Honestly neutral question: how many here have researched Gregg Phillips’ background? What do you think?
🧐 Research Wanted 🤔
Found some things that are questionable but there are also obvious media hit pieces. I’ll withhold so as to not seed bias. Honest thoughts on this guy?
There were some posts about it a while ago.
Did any of them link evidence?
Anons dig into the Q post 4241 which is showing someone who looks awfully like Gregg Phillips as n Operator: https://greatawakening.win/p/15IETBZYkC/hmmmmready-for-some-speculationl/c/
Trump tweeted in 2017 indicating Gregg Phillips was already working for Trump https://archive.ph/ZeDox
There was a tweet by Ivanka just before the 2020 elections in the Oval Office with a piece of paper visible on the desk. People blew it up and it had handwrittten "Greg Phillips" on it. She deleted the tweet an hour or so later and retweeted with that part of the picture cropped.
u/simonsays posted couple of posts analysing how Gregg must have access to NSA database for the 2000 mules: https://greatawakening.win/p/15IrYvG7X8/gregg-phillips--clarifications-a/