I've never seen the "appeal" in that woman. I think just a lot of us are attracted to crazy because of the hint of what it can do under the right circumstances. But to me, AOC looks like the same horse-faced scrawny gint all these WEF "click .exe to install" leaderettes look like. It's like they're all cloned from the same bony bitch.
AOC is a gnawy, ugly beanpole who looks like she'd bite my dick off if I let her near it. I'm not into raw veganism bitches. For me, give me a full bodied (not fat) luxurious woman with all the right turns at all the right places. Strawberry blond, green eyes, some freckles? I'm there :)
Y'all are just stultified by AOC because she's a skinny Latina. You're staring at her like a miracle because besides her there aren't any, lol.
Nah. It’s full of shit.
barfs in Humancent-Ipad
i believe it would be considered beastiality...'cause although im not a veterinarian...i do know a horses ass when i see one
Top kek!! 🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣
Butter face
erface"Butt big, choppers for grazing.
I've never seen the "appeal" in that woman. I think just a lot of us are attracted to crazy because of the hint of what it can do under the right circumstances. But to me, AOC looks like the same horse-faced scrawny gint all these WEF "click .exe to install" leaderettes look like. It's like they're all cloned from the same bony bitch.
AOC is a gnawy, ugly beanpole who looks like she'd bite my dick off if I let her near it. I'm not into raw veganism bitches. For me, give me a full bodied (not fat) luxurious woman with all the right turns at all the right places. Strawberry blond, green eyes, some freckles? I'm there :)
Y'all are just stultified by AOC because she's a skinny Latina. You're staring at her like a miracle because besides her there aren't any, lol.
The fuck are you attacking me for? I said it was gross!
Where am I attacking you?
“Y'all are just stultified by AOC because she's a skinny Latina.”
I am not and never was, bucko.