Trump isnt going to beat it, we are. Volunteer to be a poll watcher, do NOT let them board up windows and block viewing, tear down the barriers if they put them up, force them to take you to court so you can expose them as frauds. Pester your representative to implement voter ID laws if they say thats discriminatory then call them racist for saying minorities cant get IDs. DO NOT RELENT
Red Wave is going to be almost literal by that point if things continue at this pace.
It's going to be a case of every Trump rally being a Million Man March sized affair, and every DS Hollywood Production being a clearly deepfaked sea of literally faceless automatons.
Probably be a scare event or two of real enormity between here and there as well, so who knows. We could all be learning to decipher Chinese pamphlets dropped from airplanes by then...
Trump isnt going to beat it, we are. Volunteer to be a poll watcher, do NOT let them board up windows and block viewing, tear down the barriers if they put them up, force them to take you to court so you can expose them as frauds. Pester your representative to implement voter ID laws if they say thats discriminatory then call them racist for saying minorities cant get IDs. DO NOT RELENT
They are not going to beat it unless they beat it in the midterms and fix the 2020 election fraud.
Red Wave is going to be almost literal by that point if things continue at this pace.
It's going to be a case of every Trump rally being a Million Man March sized affair, and every DS Hollywood Production being a clearly deepfaked sea of literally faceless automatons.
Probably be a scare event or two of real enormity between here and there as well, so who knows. We could all be learning to decipher Chinese pamphlets dropped from airplanes by then...