The Pit Part 2: This is what we little Pedes didn't hear on Saturday. RSBN tonight at 7 pm
👀 EYES ON! 👀
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You are obviously one of the people we need. I also see a great need to return to story telling. Not the artificial narratives weaponized against us but true story telling . That is the way humanity has absorbed information for millenia. I think that a piece of what The Pit is meant to do is exactly that which is why all of the influencers were invited. It's just that not many of them, especially many of the 'names' are actually very good at the story telling and writing. Mostly they report. Now if they had invited a cadre of true authors to The Pit I think we'd get what you are asking for but it would take a year or so to get it out to the public. So for now, at this end of it, we get bits and pieces and drips and it's up to each of us to make our own sense of things, for now. If I won the lottery I'd provide grants to real authors willing to take on explaining big chunks of the story and to screen writers who could write the movies or documentaries.