Yeah so this is just more fundamentalist nonsense. He claims all men are "addicted to porn" and he broke out of it. No Josh YOU were addicted to porn. Don't fucking speak for all of us as though you know each of us and our struggle. We are NOT the same. There are over 3.5 billion men on this planet all with their own unique ideas on life the universe and everything. Can porn be addictive? Absolutely. So too is sugar, adrenaline rushes, tobacco, alcohol- you name it, there's probably an addictive property to it. Can porn be destructive? Sure. In the same way soda can give you diabetes.
In the end, people need to decide and figure out for themselves. Even if you remove the sex trafficking element, there will always be a sex trade provided men and women still desire boobs. Instead of trying to control what people can and can't have access to, just pray for them and love them as Jesus commanded.
Lol. The entire post broadstroke generalizes men. He's speaking as though he knows all men and their struggle. He's speaking as though he has all the answers and he does... For himself.
Not all men struggle with porn. Some don't even have a sex drive one way or the other. He's speaking this way, because he's too afraid to accept responsibility for his actions. It's easier to criticize when you tell yourself everyone else is covered in sin too.
That is NOT the point if testimony or personal conviction. Speak for yourself. I will speak for me.
Yeah so this is just more fundamentalist nonsense. He claims all men are "addicted to porn" and he broke out of it. No Josh YOU were addicted to porn. Don't fucking speak for all of us as though you know each of us and our struggle. We are NOT the same. There are over 3.5 billion men on this planet all with their own unique ideas on life the universe and everything. Can porn be addictive? Absolutely. So too is sugar, adrenaline rushes, tobacco, alcohol- you name it, there's probably an addictive property to it. Can porn be destructive? Sure. In the same way soda can give you diabetes.
In the end, people need to decide and figure out for themselves. Even if you remove the sex trafficking element, there will always be a sex trade provided men and women still desire boobs. Instead of trying to control what people can and can't have access to, just pray for them and love them as Jesus commanded.
Nowhere in that post does it infer that all men are addicted to porn.
Lol. The entire post broadstroke generalizes men. He's speaking as though he knows all men and their struggle. He's speaking as though he has all the answers and he does... For himself.
Not all men struggle with porn. Some don't even have a sex drive one way or the other. He's speaking this way, because he's too afraid to accept responsibility for his actions. It's easier to criticize when you tell yourself everyone else is covered in sin too.
That is NOT the point if testimony or personal conviction. Speak for yourself. I will speak for me.
You’re not only speaking for yourself. You’re speaking for the poster as well.