What's interesting is where porn is headed.
If anyone has tested VR porn with 5k to 8k resolution videos on a newer VR headset (for science!)... you can get the feeling of actually being "there". If she kisses you or puts any of her parts in your face, your brain can give you the same internal sensation you would get as if it were really happening.
We have a history that is built out of men doing chivalrous things for a women, and really stupid/crazy self-destructive things for a woman.
The power of a man's love/lust/desire for a woman has been one of the driving forces of our world.
That dynamic going to change in the future.
We're heading towards a future where men will value women much, much less.
With VR porn and whatever is coming in the future (no pun intended), men will immediately access and satisfy that need to be intimate with an actual woman.
Actual real woman and the courting process, and pursuing a woman will become less and less desirable.
There's also going to be crazy advancements in physical replacements like AI sex bots.. possibly an augmented reality crossover between the bot and the VR.
Yes, basic porn videos can have this effect now... but it really is nothing compared to what is coming.
Yes, for men who have been through the ringer with women, this will be a liberating experience for them. The "clutches" women have had on men since the dawn of man will be nullified.
This will change the dynamic of our world, for better or worse... almost definitely for the worst overall.
Many, many families exist because kids "happened accidentally" as a result of the urge for actual sex. The more that gets replaced, the less families are going to "happen".
Virtual sex is safer - no risk of STDs or pregnancy or alimony or losing 50% of your assets. If a man has a desire for fatherhood, there will be plenty of video games that will satisfy that urge.
Fast forward into the future, we have an underpopulation problem.
Perhaps then we start growing people in laboratories... or at least make it mainstream because they likely already do that.
What's interesting is where porn is headed. If anyone has tested VR porn with 5k to 8k resolution videos on a newer VR headset (for science!)... you can get the feeling of actually being "there". If she kisses you or puts any of her parts in your face, your brain can give you the same internal sensation you would get as if it were really happening. Yikes. We have a history that is built out of men doing chivalrous things for a women, and really stupid/crazy self-destructive things for a woman. The power of a man's love/lust/desire for a woman has been one of the driving forces of our world. That dynamic going to change in the future. We're heading towards a future where men will value women much, much less. With VR porn and whatever is coming in the future (no pun intended), men will immediately access and satisfy that need to be intimate with an actual woman. Actual real woman and the courting process, and pursuing a woman will become less and less desirable. There's also going to be crazy advancements in physical replacements like AI sex bots.. possibly an augmented reality crossover between the bot and the VR. Yes, basic porn videos can have this effect now... but it really is nothing compared to what is coming. Yes, for men who have been through the ringer with women, this will be a liberating experience for them. The "clutches" women have had on men since the dawn of man will be nullified. This will change the dynamic of our world, for better or worse... almost definitely for the worst overall. Many, many families exist because kids "happened accidentally" as a result of the urge for actual sex. The more that gets replaced, the less families are going to "happen".
Virtual sex is safer - no risk of STDs or pregnancy or alimony or losing 50% of your assets. If a man has a desire for fatherhood, there will be plenty of video games that will satisfy that urge. Fast forward into the future, we have an underpopulation problem. Perhaps then we start growing people in laboratories... or at least make it mainstream because they likely already do that. Interesting.