If (and it's a big "if") this treatment is similar to monoclonal antibodies, it's extremely safe. I'm am and have been a strong proponent of ivermectin. But for the people that are several days down the road of a serious c19 infection, monoclonal antibodies are far more effective than ivermectin.
A lot of "if's" here, yes. But I'm not saying everyone should embrace this new research and potential treatment. I'm saying we shouldn't lump it in with gene therapy and dismiss it out of hand.
Safer than Ivermectin?
My "horses" always recovered within 24 hours.
If (and it's a big "if") this treatment is similar to monoclonal antibodies, it's extremely safe. I'm am and have been a strong proponent of ivermectin. But for the people that are several days down the road of a serious c19 infection, monoclonal antibodies are far more effective than ivermectin.
A lot of "if's" here, yes. But I'm not saying everyone should embrace this new research and potential treatment. I'm saying we shouldn't lump it in with gene therapy and dismiss it out of hand.