Comments (13)
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New?! They must not listen to salty
It’s really not that funny, because there are many people are on this platform, that are dealing with their own children wanting to do this. I am one of them.
I’m sorry. Are you able to find any help for them?
Yes Jesus Christ! We’ve been praying, and those prayers have already stopped her from going that route so far.
She cut all her hair off, buzzed it, two days later she said she didn’t like it at all. She’s going to grow it back out. She still likes to wear make up and loves having her fake nails, so I am leaning towards her hopefully not going that route.
But it’s through the power of prayer and is love of Jesus Christ it’s gonna turn around. That’s the only thing. So we’re just going to keep loving her no matter what!
Zippertits banned on Plebbit, Shitter and CensorBook in 3..... 2......
That is so beautiful it almost makes up for the missing tits.
That’s funny right there. 🤣
A female cancer patient forced into this procedure obviously deserves understanding and all possible support.
A trans moron who wants to present as a man deserves perpetual mockery and this term seems appropriate.
The salt must flow, btw.
My cousin needed this surgery and has an incredible sense of humor—I could totally call her zippertits and she’d get a huge laugh out of it. Trannies? Not so much. Lol
If anything I'd feel sorry for the lady suckered into getting this surgery