COG has been in effect since 2001 {and signed into continuance by each following president, Trump included} so Trump couldn't have implemented devolution, perse. {17th}
Trump enabled cog and devolution. Just look at the eos and it's obvious. {Patel}
I think where this is headed: 17th spec ops goes into great detail how there is a shadow government operating under the COG. Dick Cheney forced the issue almost immediately after 9/11.
And whom will Dick Cheney have placed into these positions of power who answer to absolutely no one?
His goons who have been pushing us into the preferred reset/martial law/communist state. You can figure out his cohorts by now.
What I think Trump has done is removed those who were running under cover of the COG and replaced them with his own people.
He never needed to implement devolution, it had already been done. But much like anything, it was running like corrupt shit, intentionally, to kill this country. {And probably all countries}
By enabling patriots to take those positions, it's devolution by proxy.
How do you know this?