It has nothing to do with skin pigmentation, it has everything to do with culture.
Some cultures, are objectively, not subjectively, worse than others. By every single metric, those cultures degrade societies into unlivable, miserable shitholes when they show up.
It has little to do with skin color. In fact, there are some white cultures I don't want anywhere in my neighborhood either, like die-hard, low-IQ rednecks. I don't wanna be anywhere near them. These people revel in poorness like it's some kind of badge of honor to be poor and miserable. "I aint never had nothin and I don't need nothin neither. Rich peeple been stealin from me mah whole life!"
I pulled into a convenience store in Texas one time, in an area that I didn't know well, and a bunch of rednecks (not good ole boys... rednecks. There's a huge fucking difference) were standing around outside. I felt just as out of place and threatened as I did the day I drove into Compton by accident, and we have the same skin color.
It has nothing to do with skin pigmentation, it has everything to do with culture.
Some cultures, are objectively, not subjectively, worse than others. By every single metric, those cultures degrade societies into unlivable, miserable shitholes when they show up.
It has little to do with skin color. In fact, there are some white cultures I don't want anywhere in my neighborhood either, like die-hard, low-IQ rednecks. I don't wanna be anywhere near them. These people revel in poorness like it's some kind of badge of honor to be poor and miserable. "I aint never had nothin and I don't need nothin neither. Rich peeple been stealin from me mah whole life!"
I pulled into a convenience store in Texas one time, in an area that I didn't know well, and a bunch of rednecks (not good ole boys... rednecks. There's a huge fucking difference) were standing around outside. I felt just as out of place and threatened as I did the day I drove into Compton by accident, and we have the same skin color.