Even the gayses people are fed up...
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Guess I'm a unicorn now.
There are a whole lotta exceptions to this particular rule.
Subject matter expert. What's yours?
Could have gone either way at about 12 years old. Confused mess because of things enacted on me. It was a guy who illustrated to me that I was not actually lesbian material in spite of my influences. I see how it happens, I would say that if I had been actively, persistently groomed by lesbians at age 12, I would THINK I was one but really my own hetero-ness would have won out given the opportunity, even so. I am so, so straight.
Yeah, I'd imagine so. I guess my goal is to push back against that particular lie that he's spouting, but the people who think it are typically lost causes.
Nope, just another faggot.
Here's a man who was molested. Sad.
Yeah, yeah... Projection like a true faggot.
Nope, not projection. I had a charmed childhood. But people like you who are angry didn't. I feel for ya, I do, but you have to work through that crap.