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I have only recently begun to make my backyard my livlihood. I live in the middle of town, so I am not allowed to own a rooster, so just hens is all I will be able to raise. I bought a little kit and built a chicken coup and my brother gave me five hens. They are laying 4 to five eggs daily. I am giving away some of the eggs because we cannot eat them all as quickly as they lay them, and I also want to help other friends and family to have fresh eggs. I had no idea how much fun raising chickens would be. Now pray I can figure out how to grow my own veggies. So far its not going as well as raising my little flock of hens.
A little funny because I always thought raising chickens would be harder. 😅
I've never run a full garden, just tomatoes and peppers. I take it they're relatively easy, but one small piece of advice I can give is to stay up on the trimming and watering. They pretty much take care of themselves.
We have some excellent gardeners here though. I'm sure any questions you have would be met with great answers.
Thanks so much. How often should I be trimming them?