Is anyone else witnessing suicide in their circles of family / friends?
Today was #3 in just the last 10 days. Havent had anyone close who has done this in my life - but these last 10 days there has been 3 (2 attempted, 1 suicide).
This is a tough post.
I pass on this with no ill intentions... the world is broken. We may have our support structure here and we can meme and laugh at the mockery of civilization that is on display in our movie but the world is awakening and not coping well. The people I know who are attempting / taking their life are hit by great depression style impacts (some bad decisions that unraveled, some medical, some personal) top it off with a bleak outlook on the future and they had no will to move forward - add in the copious amounts of anti-depressants and drugs and we are here.
The war we are facing is more then just exposure of the matrix - reflect on that movie (matrix) - it took an oracle with a vision to help guide Neo into holding on for his part in saving humanity. The same is true for each and everyone of us - we need to be the oracles and provide guidance and support - not just meme about eating popcorn and joking about Biden's failures.
Which zapper are you using. I’ve been battling these bugs for a while. I finally got ozone hemotherapy and hyperbaric and it did wonders.
Went to Mexico actually. Also used the generic form of “Alinia”, it was amazing. The doctors down there know about these parasites very well.
This is the exact one I bought about seven years ago.
There’s a sweep program - it runs 140 minutes, 10 minutes for 10 sets of more common parasite issues. I do that on a regular basis. If there’s something else I’m having health problems with, it comes with specific frequencies that you can program into this unit. It’s very effective, however it’s $679. I got mine for 507 years ago. If the power cord goes out on your unit, you can just order another one, so don’t get rid of it if the power doesn’t come on after you’ve had it a few years. Also once you’re done using it just unplug it, so the power source doesn’t go bad on you.
Before you use it, make sure that you read up on it and understand what’s gonna be happening with your body. Make sure you have the Ornithine for that as well. Make sure you drink lots of water, even take some type of a Pedialyte hydration. If you get constipated, you need to make sure that you take a strong laxative to make sure you get everything out of your body. You don’t want to get clogged up. I just try and make sure everything‘s working smoothly, before I do that type of a zapper protocol.
If you really wanna kick the little boogers asses, plan on doing the parasite cleanse at the same time that you’re doing the zapper treatments, repetitively each day. I promise you will feel amazing afterwards.
If you do this Quarterly, it will help to keep you healthy. Also because based on our surroundings, the type of animals we have, and where we buy our groceries and if we clean our fruits and vegetables, you can be reinfected. There’s no way of getting around that. So I wouldn’t obsess about that. Just do your cleanses quarterly and it to keep you running smoothly!
If for some reason you can’t afford the Programable zapper, you can get a cheap one from eBay or Amazon for under 100 bucks. That should be a good way to get you started. Just make sure you read the instructions and understand how you’re supposed to use it. You’re used to have to use the little one in intervals to make sure that you killed all three levels of the parasites from the larva to the next stage and then the adult stage. But now you can actually use the little one for an hour straight and it’ll do the same thing. If you don’t do it that way you can really get reinfected from all the eggs that hatch afterwards.
Once you get your products if you have any questions just let me know. I’ve been doing this for years. I have lots of great advice. And who knows maybe will be doing it at the same time lol! If you DM me I’ll give you my personal email address.
When I’m ready I’ll be back. Thank you