Read Q 3728....
Have it in mind for the weeks ahead....
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Well bring the truth to the light of day, as a lot of "patriots" have been promising, and some have not been delivering. Let it all out and start locking people up on warrants, with specific charges named, or on their actions and let them sit in jail until their trial date. We need this to happen and it can't be soon enough. Also, the definition of enormity: Definition of enormity 1: an outrageous, improper, vicious, or immoral act the enormities of state power — Susan Sontag other enormities too juvenile to mention — Richard Freedman 2: the quality or state of being immoderate, monstrous, or outrageous especially : great wickedness the enormity of the crimes committed during the Third Reich — G. A. Craig 3: the quality or state of being huge : IMMENSITY the inconceivable enormity of the universe 4: a quality of momentous importance or impact the enormity of the decision