Here's the Woodstock cli[p that gets me every time. Its almost unfathomable. Are all us "awakened" descendants. I thought these guys were nuts and strung out on LSD for a several decades before looking into weather manipulation.
Yes I think we have all at one point or another seen this clip. I likely saw it years and years ago on some history channel thing where they probably blatantly admit what they are doing in our faces…
Gives the term “rain on their parade” a brand new perspective..
Think of the logistical advantages to creating massive rainstorms in the dead at night as a military team conducts a sensitive operation.
Thnx Boss
Great source for the naysayers
Wait so when confronted w the facts that they were using weather manipulation in combat
All they had to do was tell a bold faced lie and say “no we have never engaged in weather manip”
Hmm… Makes you wonder about the constant cloud coverage and jet trails doesn’t it!
Here's the Woodstock cli[p that gets me every time. Its almost unfathomable. Are all us "awakened" descendants. I thought these guys were nuts and strung out on LSD for a several decades before looking into weather manipulation.
Yes I think we have all at one point or another seen this clip. I likely saw it years and years ago on some history channel thing where they probably blatantly admit what they are doing in our faces…
Gives the term “rain on their parade” a brand new perspective..
Think of the logistical advantages to creating massive rainstorms in the dead at night as a military team conducts a sensitive operation.