FL Primaries TOMORROW (August 23rd)
Remember to DO YOUR HOMEWORK and VOTE. You must have been registered (R) or (D)umbass by July 25 in order to vote. Closed primary.
Find your Supervisor of Elections here for questions and polling locations (click your supervisors website).
For the General Election, you will need to register by October 11.
If you want my picks:
Congress - Cory Mills
Ag - Shaw
State Senator D 10 - Jason Brouder
State Rep Dist 36 - Plakon
Cnty Commis Dist 2 - Brittany Walker
Circuit Judge 18th - Recksiedler
County Court Judge Group 5 - Ken Lester (Navy Vet, Vietnam, Zimmerman Trial)
School Board Dist 1 - Bauer
School Board Dist 2 - Davis (US Army & other good stuff)
School Board Dist 5 - Fernandez
These are my choices based on limited research. But the choices are based on the stance of the ones I DID NOT CHOOSE. Their platforms were 180 out or made statements that completely turned me off from them.