An ark of churches content on letting the world do whatever it does.
What authority does the church have to regulate people's lives? What authority does Jesus give any one of us over another?
We have the Constitution for a reason. People need to choose Jesus for themselves because it's what they want. Scaring people into loving Him with the threat of hell has NEVER worked. And when it does, it produces a breed of Christian that is fearful of everything and massively insecure about their faith and life. Source: me. Telling people they are sinners and going to hell unless they perform a magic ritual is arguably taking His name in vein. Fear is the tool of Satan. Fear is evil. Fear of god is a misnomer. I do not fear Him. I have respect and reverence for Him, but I do not fear Him. Jesus never once used fear to convince anyone. He used love. And you may have your disagreements with people on what love is. That's fine. It does not mean you are right. We can definitively say we know one eight billionth the mind of God. Beyond that is educated guessing.
I'm saying we need to get back to a moral standard based on biblical values. That's not teaching kids the Bible or anything like that. Our country was founded on those same values.
What authority does the church have to regulate people's lives? What authority does Jesus give any one of us over another?
We have the Constitution for a reason. People need to choose Jesus for themselves because it's what they want. Scaring people into loving Him with the threat of hell has NEVER worked. And when it does, it produces a breed of Christian that is fearful of everything and massively insecure about their faith and life. Source: me. Telling people they are sinners and going to hell unless they perform a magic ritual is arguably taking His name in vein. Fear is the tool of Satan. Fear is evil. Fear of god is a misnomer. I do not fear Him. I have respect and reverence for Him, but I do not fear Him. Jesus never once used fear to convince anyone. He used love. And you may have your disagreements with people on what love is. That's fine. It does not mean you are right. We can definitively say we know one eight billionth the mind of God. Beyond that is educated guessing.
I'm not saying school should be a church.
I'm saying we need to get back to a moral standard based on biblical values. That's not teaching kids the Bible or anything like that. Our country was founded on those same values.
What values specifically. "Biblical values" led to karen mobs demanding Family Guy be taken off the air because Seth MacFarlane made a Jesus joke.
So again, your values? Someone elses? What do YOU think are the values and why are they important?