If Putin could he'd replace the Rothchilds in a heartbeat.
What do you base this off of?
You need to wake the hell up with all this Russia praise.
Putin is not Russia, he is their leader. The people of Russia are no different from you and I. We have common ground with most peoples of the world in that we all want to live our lives in peace and be left the fuck alone. We need to be building on that.
Now consider this: what is your source of information that Putin is bad? Do you know family? Do you have a personal connection?
We're told Putin and Xi are horrible people, yet this comes from the same six corporations that also tell us Trump is bad. Putin may or may not be a dickhead. Some Russians I have talked to hate him, others praise him. Make of that what you will. Point is, without boots on the ground intel, we really don't know anything. And if you want to further explain your position, I will listen. But you can't just say "stop the praise" and not give a reason to consider as to why.
Valid points overall. I agree that we should support the Russian people. We should also support the Ukrainian people. A lot of people on this board have swallowed the Russia is good bait hook line and sinker. It bothers me because whenever I try to make a good faith attempt to point out their growing confirmation bias I get down-voted and sometimes yelled at/called a shill or a fed etc. Just look at the post you replied to.
It reminds me of the way leftists treat anyone who dares to disagree. I'm a heretic that must be purged for the good of mother Russia? Seriously?
As far as my first hand knowledge... its interesting you should ask because not long after the 2014 Crimea thing I had a LONG conversation with a Russian online. Not someone I knew well but he was clearly Russian and had strong opinions etc. He wasn't some super secret agent. He was just a dude that was pretty decent at English.
The most interesting thing I noticed was he clearly believed Russian propaganda about Ukrainians murdering on a massive scale ethnic Russians living in eastern Ukraine. At the same time he had a very poor opinion of Putin. He called Putin a thug. Which is what he is.
At the time I doubted the mass murder thing but I had no way to refute it. My other source of info is a relative who is Mormon and he spent 2017-19 in Ukraine on his mission. He learned Russian to do this because most of his time was in the south and east part where Russian is more widely known. I asked him specifically about this story and he confirmed and a handful of killings did happen but it was like less than 100 and Russia blew it all out of proportion as an excuse to invade and/or help the breakaway Dunbas BS. He further explained the people doing said killings were pursued by police on BOTH sides and most of them were punished etc.
So in order to save 100 lives Russia blasted the entire country to rubble and has killed probibly 100k people over a decade? Yeah that makes a lot of sense. This would be like moving the army into Alabama and shelling Mobile to stop the lynchings in the 1950-60s south. If you flatten the whole fucking town the lynchings WILL stop. rolls-eyes
Lets get real. Putin is engaging in a land grab. He needs the fertile soil in eastern Ukraine and he needs to ports on the black sea. He's a thug. He has an army. He's just gonna take it. Any Ukrainian's that get in his way will be blasted out of it. I've yet to see anything that proves otherwise. The fact he points out the Rothschild's are evil and their banking cabal are probibly sacrificing children to Moloch etc only proves he knows the truth of the world. It doesn't change his primary motivations.
There is an argument to be made that Putin walked right into a trap. The cabal baited him into attacking Ukraine. They clearly wanted him to attack. Why? People on these boards say Russia is a white-hat trying to expose bio-labs. Where is the fucking evidence. If Putin has it then why hasn't he shown the world? He's talked a lot about it but I've yet to see any real proof. Not the kind that matters.
The one thing I have seen for sure is that the CIA is currently managing the decline of Russia. They are using Ukraine to blow the shit out of Putin's entire military. They don't give two rats assess how many people die. They don't even care if they win or lose... if they lose land or troops etc etc. All they care about is that Russia's military is slowly being turned into a giant pile of junk. AND in the process of turning it into junk they get to make huge amounts of money making the weapons to do it.
I'm one of the most hawkish people you will ever meet. Putin made a HUGE mistake attacking Ukraine. When he didn't win in that first few weeks then retreated and reorganized... HE LOST. He gave the cabal an opening and they are using it to wreck Russia.
You want boots on the ground real info... I don't need that. All I need to see is that Putin is so obsessed with winning he his sacrificing thousands of his own people's lives in a pointless dick measuring contest that at best he can now pull out a draw. A year from right now Putin could control 100% of Ukraine and he would still have lost in a big way. I can take a measure of Putin just from that alone and know he's a fucking psychopath that doesn't care at all for his people. All his platitudes are bullshit. The people he cares about are his elitist oligarch friends. The little people, the ones with rifles doing the dying he could care less about them.
Reminds me of someone else... our elitists here in the USA sending our people to shit-holes like Afghanistan to die and not caring one little bit if they die. Same tiger just a different stripe pattern.
I get that a lot of what is said about Putin is propaganda. 99% of the reason its so effective is because its all half truths with plenty of evidence to back it up. If Putin really was some sort of George Washington hero that truth would be seen through the cracks. Instead his enemies tend to die from random KGB style poisoning or jut flat out disappear and he clearly ordered the attack on Ukraine with ZERO regard for how many people died or how much destruction it would create.
I'll bite... Putin is a white-hat after biolabs. So when Ukraine has cleaned up it government totally and completely... its 5 years from now and the cabal has been purged completely from all the halls of power worldwide. Most are dead. The rest or hiding in spider holes praying SEAL TEAM SIX isn't on the way.
Is Putin going to give back all the territory he took? FUCK NO. Cause that was the whole fucking point to steal land.
What do you base this off of?
Putin is not Russia, he is their leader. The people of Russia are no different from you and I. We have common ground with most peoples of the world in that we all want to live our lives in peace and be left the fuck alone. We need to be building on that.
Now consider this: what is your source of information that Putin is bad? Do you know family? Do you have a personal connection?
We're told Putin and Xi are horrible people, yet this comes from the same six corporations that also tell us Trump is bad. Putin may or may not be a dickhead. Some Russians I have talked to hate him, others praise him. Make of that what you will. Point is, without boots on the ground intel, we really don't know anything. And if you want to further explain your position, I will listen. But you can't just say "stop the praise" and not give a reason to consider as to why.
Valid points overall. I agree that we should support the Russian people. We should also support the Ukrainian people. A lot of people on this board have swallowed the Russia is good bait hook line and sinker. It bothers me because whenever I try to make a good faith attempt to point out their growing confirmation bias I get down-voted and sometimes yelled at/called a shill or a fed etc. Just look at the post you replied to.
It reminds me of the way leftists treat anyone who dares to disagree. I'm a heretic that must be purged for the good of mother Russia? Seriously?
As far as my first hand knowledge... its interesting you should ask because not long after the 2014 Crimea thing I had a LONG conversation with a Russian online. Not someone I knew well but he was clearly Russian and had strong opinions etc. He wasn't some super secret agent. He was just a dude that was pretty decent at English.
The most interesting thing I noticed was he clearly believed Russian propaganda about Ukrainians murdering on a massive scale ethnic Russians living in eastern Ukraine. At the same time he had a very poor opinion of Putin. He called Putin a thug. Which is what he is.
At the time I doubted the mass murder thing but I had no way to refute it. My other source of info is a relative who is Mormon and he spent 2017-19 in Ukraine on his mission. He learned Russian to do this because most of his time was in the south and east part where Russian is more widely known. I asked him specifically about this story and he confirmed and a handful of killings did happen but it was like less than 100 and Russia blew it all out of proportion as an excuse to invade and/or help the breakaway Dunbas BS. He further explained the people doing said killings were pursued by police on BOTH sides and most of them were punished etc.
So in order to save 100 lives Russia blasted the entire country to rubble and has killed probibly 100k people over a decade? Yeah that makes a lot of sense. This would be like moving the army into Alabama and shelling Mobile to stop the lynchings in the 1950-60s south. If you flatten the whole fucking town the lynchings WILL stop. rolls-eyes
Lets get real. Putin is engaging in a land grab. He needs the fertile soil in eastern Ukraine and he needs to ports on the black sea. He's a thug. He has an army. He's just gonna take it. Any Ukrainian's that get in his way will be blasted out of it. I've yet to see anything that proves otherwise. The fact he points out the Rothschild's are evil and their banking cabal are probibly sacrificing children to Moloch etc only proves he knows the truth of the world. It doesn't change his primary motivations.
There is an argument to be made that Putin walked right into a trap. The cabal baited him into attacking Ukraine. They clearly wanted him to attack. Why? People on these boards say Russia is a white-hat trying to expose bio-labs. Where is the fucking evidence. If Putin has it then why hasn't he shown the world? He's talked a lot about it but I've yet to see any real proof. Not the kind that matters.
The one thing I have seen for sure is that the CIA is currently managing the decline of Russia. They are using Ukraine to blow the shit out of Putin's entire military. They don't give two rats assess how many people die. They don't even care if they win or lose... if they lose land or troops etc etc. All they care about is that Russia's military is slowly being turned into a giant pile of junk. AND in the process of turning it into junk they get to make huge amounts of money making the weapons to do it.
I'm one of the most hawkish people you will ever meet. Putin made a HUGE mistake attacking Ukraine. When he didn't win in that first few weeks then retreated and reorganized... HE LOST. He gave the cabal an opening and they are using it to wreck Russia.
You want boots on the ground real info... I don't need that. All I need to see is that Putin is so obsessed with winning he his sacrificing thousands of his own people's lives in a pointless dick measuring contest that at best he can now pull out a draw. A year from right now Putin could control 100% of Ukraine and he would still have lost in a big way. I can take a measure of Putin just from that alone and know he's a fucking psychopath that doesn't care at all for his people. All his platitudes are bullshit. The people he cares about are his elitist oligarch friends. The little people, the ones with rifles doing the dying he could care less about them.
Reminds me of someone else... our elitists here in the USA sending our people to shit-holes like Afghanistan to die and not caring one little bit if they die. Same tiger just a different stripe pattern.
I get that a lot of what is said about Putin is propaganda. 99% of the reason its so effective is because its all half truths with plenty of evidence to back it up. If Putin really was some sort of George Washington hero that truth would be seen through the cracks. Instead his enemies tend to die from random KGB style poisoning or jut flat out disappear and he clearly ordered the attack on Ukraine with ZERO regard for how many people died or how much destruction it would create.
I'll bite... Putin is a white-hat after biolabs. So when Ukraine has cleaned up it government totally and completely... its 5 years from now and the cabal has been purged completely from all the halls of power worldwide. Most are dead. The rest or hiding in spider holes praying SEAL TEAM SIX isn't on the way.
Is Putin going to give back all the territory he took? FUCK NO. Cause that was the whole fucking point to steal land.