The important thing is you cannot turn these people around. Arguing with them is fruitless because they don’t want to see the data. They will only come around when the people they trust change their position.
This is why we need to focus on protecting doctors who speak out.
No one is right about everything, including me and including you. Kirsch actually got himself "vaccinated" if I recall correctly, but when he began to see evidence of harm and malfeasance, instead of doubling down on his defenses against reality, he began working to get the truth out. His truth-telling is redpilling a LOT of people about the deadly "vaccines", about masks and other COVID theater, about the criminal silence of the medical profession on those issues, and more.
For instance, here's his substack column for July 23rd, and it not only showcases Kirsch's blatant truth-telling but also makes me wonder if you're right about Kirsch not believing that "the government deliberately wants to murder its own citizens."
Steve Kirsch Jul 23
He said so in an interview himself. Until one acknowledges that there's an evil force out there to murder you, you will never get to the end of the problem.
Thanks for the link. I haven't seen the video yet, but apparently he's still in denial to some extent. As I said, "No one is right about everything." That hasn't kept him from doing good work to get to the truth about the harm done by the "vaccines" and by the COVID tyranny, and putting that truth out in the world.
Kirsch is about 5% awake now. Things need to be taken in steps. I applaud all his efforts to expose the cooties-1984 jab disaster. And I've recently heard him say that he now realizes that there is no reliable "Safety data" demonstrating that ANY vaccine is "safe & effective". And that's a BIG revelation from the guy who runs the "Vaccine Safety Research Foundation". He hasn't fully assimilated this yet. Presumably when he does, he will have to rethink what his foundation is effectively doing.
But Steve has quadrupled down on believing in the great "virus lie" these past few months. He ignores the simple and obvious evidence of virology being a pure pseudoscience in favor of deferring to the virologist "experts", none of whom can provide a rational answer to the obvious lies and blatant deceptions in their field. His $1million dollar bets are rationalized in a bass-ackwards way, such that nobody could possibly engage with him. He wants the "no viruses exist camp" to PROVE they don't exist, which is impossible as nobody has yet to prove they do exist! He rationalizes this away by saying "their standard of proof is too high, our pseudo-proofs should satisfy you". And all we're asking for is proof that anybody can find an actual virus in the real world without deceptively manufacturing them on computer screens or in decayed monkey tissue test tubes.
Anyway, Steve is waking up at a pace that is to be expected for a 65-year old who has been deeply indoctrinated into materialism his whole life. I don't expect him to back down on the virus issue any time soon, which is unfortunate as he was keeping the debate alive for the better part of 2022.
Anyway, I support all his efforts, even if he's only 5% awake now. That 5% has been more than enough to become a jilted warrior for truth around the jab.