I tried explaining how all of the "racism" is manufactured by Hollywood and MSM to my adult kids. One gets it, but the girls....ooooh. If I drop the n-word, which isn't often, but there are times when the expletive is warranted, the girls recoil in horror. A few years back, I showed them Chapelle's skit and explained to them that 10 years prior, this was arguably the funniest thing. All of us - whites, blacks, Hispanic, etc. - would collectively laugh at the brilliance of the skit, without a single accusation of racism. Their minds were mildly blown.
Clayton Bigsby!!!
My fav all time raciss.
Seriously, that sketch took massive balls especially being the first of the first episode.
I tried explaining how all of the "racism" is manufactured by Hollywood and MSM to my adult kids. One gets it, but the girls....ooooh. If I drop the n-word, which isn't often, but there are times when the expletive is warranted, the girls recoil in horror. A few years back, I showed them Chapelle's skit and explained to them that 10 years prior, this was arguably the funniest thing. All of us - whites, blacks, Hispanic, etc. - would collectively laugh at the brilliance of the skit, without a single accusation of racism. Their minds were mildly blown.