The pseudo-scientific virologists aren't doing gene SEQUENCING, they're doing fragmented RNA ASSEMBLING. Said fragments of RNA are the natural byproducts of apoptosis going on 24x7x365 in the human body. It's literally pure deception.
100% true.
What should also be pointed out, is that the RNA ASSEMBLING is not only taking the fragments from the poisoned cell culture, but ALSO it takes bits and pieces via the PCR sequencing and CAUSES NEW FRAGMENTS to come into existence.
Cowan has said that if you run 10 PCR cycles, you will get 10% of a "viral genome." But if you run 40 cycles, you will get 98% -- JUST FROM THE EXTRA CYCLES. This means than 80%+ of the "genetic sequence" was MADE UP via the process used.
he only question one needs to ask any virus supporter is why they can't find a SINGLE, fully intact "virus" in the same bodily fluids/tissue soup they source their "RNA fragments" from? This applies to all of history and all alleged viruses.
Right. They won't answer the question because they don't understand the fraudulent process used. They are debating a strawman, never addressing the real argument because of their ignorance of the subject.
100% true.
What should also be pointed out, is that the RNA ASSEMBLING is not only taking the fragments from the poisoned cell culture, but ALSO it takes bits and pieces via the PCR sequencing and CAUSES NEW FRAGMENTS to come into existence.
Cowan has said that if you run 10 PCR cycles, you will get 10% of a "viral genome." But if you run 40 cycles, you will get 98% -- JUST FROM THE EXTRA CYCLES. This means than 80%+ of the "genetic sequence" was MADE UP via the process used.
Right. They won't answer the question because they don't understand the fraudulent process used. They are debating a strawman, never addressing the real argument because of their ignorance of the subject.