No one knows how illnesses are spread. All of the below have just as much evidence as the other.
To a virologist, it is an invisible never isolated 'undead' Bogeyman called a "virus" hiding in ever nook and cranny of your "household, tribe, or village".
To a witch doctor or shaman, it is evil spirits that are befalling people in every household, tribe, or village.
To a UFOoligist, it is UBEs using higher technology that we don't understand used in every household, tribe, or village.
To a Terrain Theorist it is toxins in the environment that is found in household, tribe, or village.
Dr. Tom Cowan explains that circumstantial data (epidemiological observations) like this are not necessarily evidence at all and does not follow the scientific method. You are making an observation. Scurvy was thought to be a pathogen for hundreds of years. The observation was made (and widely believed), but it turned out it was not a contagious pathogen, but the lack of vitamin C. There are dozens and dozens of observations like this that do not follow the scientific method. Virology does not follow the scientific method.
No one knows how illnesses are spread. All of the below have just as much evidence as the other.
To a virologist, it is an invisible never isolated 'undead' Bogeyman called a "virus" hiding in ever nook and cranny of your "household, tribe, or village".
To a witch doctor or shaman, it is evil spirits that are befalling people in every household, tribe, or village.
To a UFOoligist, it is UBEs using higher technology that we don't understand used in every household, tribe, or village.
To a Terrain Theorist it is toxins in the environment that is found in household, tribe, or village.
Dr. Tom Cowan explains that circumstantial data (epidemiological observations) like this are not necessarily evidence at all and does not follow the scientific method. You are making an observation. Scurvy was thought to be a pathogen for hundreds of years. The observation was made (and widely believed), but it turned out it was not a contagious pathogen, but the lack of vitamin C. There are dozens and dozens of observations like this that do not follow the scientific method. Virology does not follow the scientific method.