"I Don't Want Your Vote!" - Florida Democrat Charlie Crist Attacks DeSantis Supporters as "Haters"
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Oh we are haters alright. We hate the lies, fraud, and evil that runs rampant in the Uni-Party. Oh, and we hate the people who benefit from it.
HOW DARE YOU HATE EVIL TheTroof!!!! You're supposed to welcome evil like all the other libtards.
They hated me first. ;o)
No worries, he won't get any real votes anyway.
I don't have this independents vote either you joke.
I can't wait for the future DeSantis political ads putting the spotlight on this sad chameleon. CC just gives so much material to work with. This is just him ginning up the hate meters of the leftists. Idiot just knocked a bunch of independents over to the right side of the fence with his belligerent blathering. Keep talking, CC!