EPIC X22Report - Ep. 2858a - The More The [CB]/[WEF] Pushes, The More The People Are Going To Push Back
💊 Red Pill 2 💊
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I am on every platform possible and he STILL finds shit I don't.
He's had General Michael fuckin Flynn on his 'little radio show' that only WE know about. Haters shills & doomers need to just tune in, soak the hopium, and count their blessings. Anyone that needs convincing is NOT following along.
I do believe people are beginning to see this very, very clearly.
Privatewesterncentralbank. Let’s talk about your health
Hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii, and welcomeyou'relisteningtotheX22Report, myname'sDaveinthisepisodenumber....
The corrupt politicians, the puppetmasters, the deepstate players...
Trump the Patriots! :)
Dave's the best...totally Qlued in, always upbeat, never a dram of doom
Everyday I am reminded that Patriots are in control.
Wow, I didn't know that Japan will be re-opening nuclear power plants. Speaking as a Japanfag and have lived here for over 10 years, that's good news. Do NOT follow Germany's moronic example.