My neighbor is 37, vaxed 3x, and recently home from hosp for neurological damage. He can’t drive and can bearly walk even with a Walker. Long-term prognosis is unknown. He has a 7 year old daughter and 5 year old son. Kids are also vaxed but ok so far.
It’s heart breaking watching him try to get from car to his house with his walker, wife struggling to help him and kids watching in horror.
He told me doctors say it was caused by long covid.
I know he and his wife know it’s the jabs but they will never admit it.
I’ll be a good neighbor and do all I can to help. But what happens next?
"Long covid" is the biggest gaslight of all. Long-jabbed more like it.
Every single person I know with "long Covid" has been vaxxed. Every. Single. One.
I know unvaxxed people that have been tested positive for Covid.... But I can't say that any of them had symptoms more severe or long lasting than any MINOR flu - like not even as bad as a bad flu.
Hell I had H1N1 a few years ago THAT SHIT WAS BAD.
Covid? I'm not even that healthy tbh and all I got was a runny nose.
You should look into it a little deeper then. There are whole communities out there of people, like me, who have LC and are suffering. Meanwhile the medical establishment can't figure out what the fuck it actually is and are chalking it up to "anxiety" in a lot of cases.
Covid cannot both be a bioweapon that was created in a lab, and nonexistant/harmless. That's doublethink. Covid is real, it was something really developed to harm people and it works. Just because the jabs are worse, doesn't mean the bioweapon isn't real.
You can't keep catching the same virus over and over again unless it is the flu because you have immunity in most cases. That's why the Long COVID gaslight is a hilarious failure of the jabbed to follow the science. Even Fauci and Wallensky now admit once you have COVID, you have antibodies for life that global data proves is more protective against COVID infection SO LONG AS you were NEVER vaxxed. Once vaxxed, you hijacked your general immunity to respond with one single spike protein whose role in preventing COVID was always dubious and unproven. You still have specific immunity so long as you have a prior exposure to something. But your general immunity to novel challenges gets subverted by the mRNA vaxxes. There are detox protocols though, see my post above and good luck.
I don't know what to think. I'm unvaxxed - a pureblood but started developing heart palpitations about 6 months ago. It was bothering me enough that I went to the doc for the first time in 2 years. At first he brushed me off claiming it was probably "anxiety" but I told him, I don't think so... anyway, went home, took my pulse when it was happening and noticed my pulse jumping around. Called the doc back and got a heart monitor. Fully expected it to be normal - nope - 25,000 PVCs over 48 hours.
Got referred to cardiologist, had an echo and showed pericarditis with effusion. What the h*ll!?? I was shocked. Had to take Colchicine for a month and the got a CTA scan. Now I'm supposed to be on beta-blockers.
I'm thin - never was fat. I used to work out all the time (not so much last 6 years or so but I digress...). Don't eat too badly. Not a smoker or drinker. Now - is it from Covid? I have no clue - but I'm suspicious. I never was tested but pretty sure I had Covid in Dec 2019 as I was in a major hot spot and around folks who worked for one of the epicenters early on.
I mean you can get pericarditis from all kinds of viruses... or even autoimmune issues. And I my heart was a little dodgy years before Covid - I mean I'd feel it racing at times. But still I it the bioweapon? Do folks who aren't vaxxed like me get heart issues too? I don't know.
I am open to all possibilities. You'd be the first 💁
I'm sorry this happened to you.
Can't help but be a LITTLE skeptical being I know NOBODY in this situation IRL and I know quite a lot of people.... but it's certainly very believable.
How do you know it's long Covid? Have you gotten a Paterson test?
You should take a stroll through the misery people are going through over at r/covidlonghaulers on reddit.
It's real, there are people in unimaginable suffering because of it.
Exactly my thoughts too.
The bioweapon is the DNA altering poison. The covid is simply the vehicle used to deliver it.
See this: