Crist gave us paper ballots cuz we went after the country with a bill on electronics they did not they had impeachment Crist do the ballot as the noise and work was coming out of FLA. He gutted EVERY PROTECTION SURROUNDING THE BALLOT, protected electronic totals, while paper ballots are stored for recount purposes ONLY! AND....A WEAK AUDIT. (translation: nothing to see here, vote certified.) I have giving this info to DeSantis and Trump and Sidney. I've heard Trump speak of overwhelming the vote to overcome a weak audit. That's how a free republic has to vote? Crist may use his 'return of paper' on the campaign trail. DeSantis can't go after it, as he's ignored the paper statute Charlie did, (JEB watching) only working on voter rolls and the few who vote illegally. Much more in the electronics and you only will see it with an adequate audit!
Charlie's audit is just a dog and pony show! Theater. In Fla paper ballots are stored for RECOUNT PURPOSES ONLY. You never get to the paper under the law. DeSantis won by more than they say last time, against Gillum under an FBI investigation With Crist....FLORIDA NEEDS A REAL AUDIT. IF NOT FIXED...THEY CAN AND THEY WILL STEAL IT FOR CHARLIE CRIST.
Why? He was Jeb's chief right ball washer! JEB appointed him EDU commissioner for education!! Then Fla's AG for two terms. Then Governor for two terms. He ran twice again and lost! But this time...with Trump hate...dems will go for Charlie. They are going to cheat. We need a real audit if not hand counted paper ballots. We will never get that,,,don't care what Bannon desires. Worked on it for 17 yrs. NEVER will that happen. So we just need an adequate audit of 3% of randomly chosen precincts. One race on the ballot.
New Hampshire has a good system...they hand count through the day, smaller races so they can be sure the rest are clean...machine working right. No one else does this! MN used to...that's how Jesse Ventura got elected...cuz her really did!
I see Ron has been campaigning for Doug Mastriano in Pennsylvania. Mastriano has vowed to turn Pennsylvania into the "Florida of the north", Politically that would be great but on every other level I don't think PA wants "Florida man" moving north.
I was a teenager when Charlie Crist was governor of Florida, so I don't know much about him. What's y'alls opinion about him during his time? (specifically asking other Floridians, but everyone's welcome to answer)
Crist gave us paper ballots cuz we went after the country with a bill on electronics they did not they had impeachment Crist do the ballot as the noise and work was coming out of FLA. He gutted EVERY PROTECTION SURROUNDING THE BALLOT, protected electronic totals, while paper ballots are stored for recount purposes ONLY! AND....A WEAK AUDIT. (translation: nothing to see here, vote certified.) I have giving this info to DeSantis and Trump and Sidney. I've heard Trump speak of overwhelming the vote to overcome a weak audit. That's how a free republic has to vote? Crist may use his 'return of paper' on the campaign trail. DeSantis can't go after it, as he's ignored the paper statute Charlie did, (JEB watching) only working on voter rolls and the few who vote illegally. Much more in the electronics and you only will see it with an adequate audit!
Charlie's audit is just a dog and pony show! Theater. In Fla paper ballots are stored for RECOUNT PURPOSES ONLY. You never get to the paper under the law. DeSantis won by more than they say last time, against Gillum under an FBI investigation With Crist....FLORIDA NEEDS A REAL AUDIT. IF NOT FIXED...THEY CAN AND THEY WILL STEAL IT FOR CHARLIE CRIST.
Why? He was Jeb's chief right ball washer! JEB appointed him EDU commissioner for education!! Then Fla's AG for two terms. Then Governor for two terms. He ran twice again and lost! But this time...with Trump hate...dems will go for Charlie. They are going to cheat. We need a real audit if not hand counted paper ballots. We will never get that,,,don't care what Bannon desires. Worked on it for 17 yrs. NEVER will that happen. So we just need an adequate audit of 3% of randomly chosen precincts. One race on the ballot.
New Hampshire has a good system...they hand count through the day, smaller races so they can be sure the rest are clean...machine working right. No one else does this! MN used to...that's how Jesse Ventura got elected...cuz her really did!
DeSantis is so consistently awesome it's almost too good to be true.
I see Ron has been campaigning for Doug Mastriano in Pennsylvania. Mastriano has vowed to turn Pennsylvania into the "Florida of the north", Politically that would be great but on every other level I don't think PA wants "Florida man" moving north.
Crist has no chance.
I was a teenager when Charlie Crist was governor of Florida, so I don't know much about him. What's y'alls opinion about him during his time? (specifically asking other Floridians, but everyone's welcome to answer)
I really hope hes a white hat.. tho hes done alot of gargling for israel.