Because the Dems and ACLU closed state mental institutions, just to allow their ilk to walk free (and vote) in society. And we’re supposed to accept them?? Never.
This is a good thing. We don't have to accept the delusions of trans people, and we should absolutely dismantle institutions that push for it, but letting the state lock you up because they don't like how you think is totalitarianism. If someone wants to fag around with a dress and fake boobs, fine. No prison needed. I want to be free to bully them, though, without worrying about it being a "hate crime."
But there are really crazy people loose in the world. There was a woman in my home town who needed to be in an institution. The last time I saw her, she was wandering around in the middle of a busy street downtown.
I agree. Some people are really messed up. But I'd rather let them continue to wander around in the middle of a busy street than decide - for their "own good" - to lock them up. If they haven't assaulted someone else, destroyed someone's property, etc., then I just don't care. It's a very proven slippery slope from institutionalization (which seems worse than death) to other horrors such as lobotomies, and now to confused children being pushed into body mutilation and hormones. Personally, I want to see the psychologists hung just after the politicians.
Because the Dems and ACLU closed state mental institutions, just to allow their ilk to walk free (and vote) in society. And we’re supposed to accept them?? Never.
This is a good thing. We don't have to accept the delusions of trans people, and we should absolutely dismantle institutions that push for it, but letting the state lock you up because they don't like how you think is totalitarianism. If someone wants to fag around with a dress and fake boobs, fine. No prison needed. I want to be free to bully them, though, without worrying about it being a "hate crime."
But there are really crazy people loose in the world. There was a woman in my home town who needed to be in an institution. The last time I saw her, she was wandering around in the middle of a busy street downtown.
I agree. Some people are really messed up. But I'd rather let them continue to wander around in the middle of a busy street than decide - for their "own good" - to lock them up. If they haven't assaulted someone else, destroyed someone's property, etc., then I just don't care. It's a very proven slippery slope from institutionalization (which seems worse than death) to other horrors such as lobotomies, and now to confused children being pushed into body mutilation and hormones. Personally, I want to see the psychologists hung just after the politicians.