Greek theater started a tradition of using men in drag as women. It was a law in some places that women not partake in theater. Japanese kabuki is another example.
A point for thought.
Vaudeville had skits as 'satire' with cross-dressing men.
See Milton Berle or Bugs Bunny as Milton Berle as a woman.......give it a second...
Nearly every comedic character ever in Holly history was required to put on the dress....because it was a juxtaposition.....crossed know...satanic division by confusing opposites. A dichotomy called the Hegelian Dialectic to name the method.
The only time you saw a 'real' one was when Hollyweird would trot out Quentin Crisp on a talk show to normalize it to the homemakers.
So there they went, both normalizing and satirizing it at the same time because the "devil goes to and fro".
History in Indian culture records this as a cycle called (sexual) Tantrism.
Greek theater started a tradition of using men in drag as women. It was a law in some places that women not partake in theater. Japanese kabuki is another example. A point for thought. Vaudeville had skits as 'satire' with cross-dressing men. See Milton Berle or Bugs Bunny as Milton Berle as a woman.......give it a second...
Nearly every comedic character ever in Holly history was required to put on the dress....because it was a juxtaposition.....crossed know...satanic division by confusing opposites. A dichotomy called the Hegelian Dialectic to name the method.
The only time you saw a 'real' one was when Hollyweird would trot out Quentin Crisp on a talk show to normalize it to the homemakers.
So there they went, both normalizing and satirizing it at the same time because the "devil goes to and fro".
History in Indian culture records this as a cycle called (sexual) Tantrism.
Warner Bros admitted Bugs was doing Berle as a woman. Even had the same 'mole' on his cheek.
yes it's it should in women's clothes are ridiculous.
"But Bugs has his own deep rabbit hole, believe that." ___ Son of Yosemite Sam