Around the age of 77 years old, Joe Biden's eyes suddenly chnaged from very blue to brown.
I've mentioned this to people and they just shrug their shoulders and say "must be eye cintacts."
So all if his 77 years of life he was happy with bright blue eye and as he's approaching 80 he thinks "brown is better." So he buys brown contacts and never skips a day going back to blue.
Have you ever heard of such a thing before?
My view, is that every position and office of the USA Corporation is sold to the highest bidder, which is why we see crime cabals running the corporate agencies and offices. therefore the supposed leaders can be anyone who has role playing skills and little else. They all appear to have a stable of bad actors with their understudies on standby.
They are only accountable to each other and to the fat controllers in the khazar klans.