373 After all these years, I still love a good datefagging. The [Q] clock is about to run out. Godbless. (media.greatawakening.win) posted 2 years ago by _Donald-Trump_ 2 years ago by _Donald-Trump_ +375 / -2 138 comments download share 138 comments share download save hide report block hide replies
God wins in the end. He knows I worked hard on keeping it together. It's getting easier dealing with her. I just don't care about her anymore. She has done the worst she can. It's over.
Same with my husband and his ex. He couldn't see the light at the end of the tunnel. Then he hit rock bottom and told God to take it into His hands.
From that moment on his life turned completely around. It took time so be patient.
I saw him through the entire mess.
Have faith I will pray for you 🙏 🙏.
If you are a marine thank you for your service 😁😁.
Thank you for the praying for me.
Yes, I was a Marine. It was my pleasure to serve.
I'm happy you were able to help your Husband. You sound like a good woman. Thank you for sharing with me.
No problem. If you need to talk I will listen and help.