The Moon's gravity does not "override" Earth's gravity. The Earth's gravity exerts the exact same force on the oceans at all times, and so does the Moon. Since the Moon orbits around the earth, the vector sum of these gravitational forces on each water molecule in the oceans changes over time. This change in direction and magnitude of the gravitational force over time causes both water tides and earth tides (the Earth itself slightly changes shape and bulges as a result of tidal forces). If you paid attention in high school geometry and physics you would know how to vector sum forces.
Crepusuclar rays do not prove that the sun is small and local. It shows that you don't understand optics and linear perspective.
Moonlight being colder than shade is such a vague phrase as to be utterly meaningless. Nevertheless, this has been thoroughly debunked.
Lol Can’t see the curve from 63 miles up according to one of the leading astrophysicists in the world.
That breaks the curve calculator.
There is an exact curve we should see and it just simply is not there.
Look, the earth is flat.
Space is fake.
Gravity is fake.
Dinosaurs are fake.
Evolution is fake.
There is a dome.
Masonic world is falling apart.
Evolution is the only thing in your list that's fake. Everything else is very real, just often misinterpreted by people who accept evolution. Creation, on the other hand, addresses all of your concerns while being consistent with the Bible.
You cannot see curvature from an airplane.
You cannot see curvature.
Just ask Neil Degrasse Tyson, he is the one who said you can’t see curvature at 63 miles.
I don't give a rip what NGT or anyone says, especially when I just provided photographic evidence that the curvature is visible.
Here are my predictions on how you're going to try to refute this evidence:
"It's a fish-eye lens or atmospheric mirage."
"Satan and/or Freemasons have magically brainwashed the entire world, including Christians, into believing the earth is round. These entities, through completely unknown means, can doctor every piece of evidence and warp every law of math and physics to keep up the illusion."
The Moon's gravity does not "override" Earth's gravity. The Earth's gravity exerts the exact same force on the oceans at all times, and so does the Moon. Since the Moon orbits around the earth, the vector sum of these gravitational forces on each water molecule in the oceans changes over time. This change in direction and magnitude of the gravitational force over time causes both water tides and earth tides (the Earth itself slightly changes shape and bulges as a result of tidal forces). If you paid attention in high school geometry and physics you would know how to vector sum forces.
Crepusuclar rays do not prove that the sun is small and local. It shows that you don't understand optics and linear perspective.
Moonlight being colder than shade is such a vague phrase as to be utterly meaningless. Nevertheless, this has been thoroughly debunked.
The sun is not black. It's just.... not. I don't know how anyone could come to any other conclusion.
Lol Can’t see the curve from 63 miles up according to one of the leading astrophysicists in the world. That breaks the curve calculator. There is an exact curve we should see and it just simply is not there. Look, the earth is flat. Space is fake. Gravity is fake. Dinosaurs are fake. Evolution is fake. There is a dome. Masonic world is falling apart.
Can't see the curvature from 63 miles up? That's funny, these people can clearly document curvature from less than 5 miles up:
Evolution is the only thing in your list that's fake. Everything else is very real, just often misinterpreted by people who accept evolution. Creation, on the other hand, addresses all of your concerns while being consistent with the Bible.
You cannot see curvature from an airplane. You cannot see curvature. Just ask Neil Degrasse Tyson, he is the one who said you can’t see curvature at 63 miles.
I don't give a rip what NGT or anyone says, especially when I just provided photographic evidence that the curvature is visible.
Here are my predictions on how you're going to try to refute this evidence:
Which will it be?