Yestday's stickied mod post about the queers is the second time this has happened on this board, so I feel this has to be said. We CANNOT keep pretending like it's "ok" to be any flavor of the rainbow brigade.
Homosexuality and all it's derivatives are morally, socially, and naturally degenerate. Get over it.
We all said years ago that if it was allowed to be openly accepted and legalized they'd eventually come for the children and animals. And look at where we are now.
People demanding open acceptance of "MAPS" and zoophilia "pride" parades in Germany.
I'm not saying that there is no such thing as a conservative gay, that's stupid since they obviously exist. But we cannot allow open acceptance for this kind of thing in the public square. What people do in private is between them and God, but open advertisement and propagation of transsexualism and homosexuality have to become a thing of the past if we're to avoid the level of moral degeneracy we're faced with today in the future.
Furthermore, It seems a lot of people like to conveniently overlook that at it's base, our entire movement is essentially a Christian Nationalist movement where we want ALL nations to turn back to God and become (Insert Nation Name) first. To take care of their own citizens before worrying about everyone else on the planet.
Why do you think Q talks about God and Christian themes, etc. so often in the drops? Why do you think so many of our sides leadership are more or less Christian Nationalists? Trump, Desantis, Orban, and even Putin if you want to count him, all have varying levels of Christian Nationalism in their message. And most of them are pushing that more and more as time goes on.
And I know I'm probably gonna anger some on here, but I don't care anymore. This crap has gone on long enough, and people need to get over themselves. We're not calling for some kind of gay concentration camps. All most of us want is something similiar to what most Slavic Nations have going on, where it's illegal and a felony to advertise homosexuality, transsexualism, etc. in any way, shape, form, or fashion, and public displays of such things are also banned.
And don't even give me the whole "muh free speech" bit. There are just some things that NEED to be banned for the good of society. This is one of them. If you disagree, well then I'm sorry but you're just wrong. This crap HAS to stop if we're to move on and better ourselves as a society.
I agree. We are the moral compass that needs to lead this nation back to God. I will not comply, I will not ignore, and I will not turn a blind eye to the absolute degenerate ways of the world. Stay on the narrow path anons and frens, and we will meet at the end.
No you aren't.
No I'm not what? splain plz
I think he is saying you are not "the moral compass that needs to lead this nation back to God". You are a Hue Man made in the image of Love, just like the rest of the Hue Mans. You are not the authority of "morality" as everyone has a "personal relationship" with Christ and thank goodness, they do not need to be cleared by those with "the moral compass that needs to lead this nation back to God". God is Love. The spirit of God is within all Hue Mans. We each have access to this Truth, Love, Light and it is up to each of us ("free will") to align, commune, personify Christ. As Christ is in us, so we are in Christ. "Judge not least ye be judged". We are called to LOVE. That is all.
Cut the new age nonsense. God is also righteous indignation and judgement and not just live and let live. Nowhere does it say that Christians are to tolerate degeneracy in their own communities. In fact repeatedly we are told the opposite.
First off, not everybody has a personal relationship with Christ. Most, in fact, do not have one whatsoever. Secondly, it has nothing to do with "being cleared", it has everything do with following God's commandments. Thirdly, the spirit of God is NOT within all humans, only those who have been born again & saved.
Lastly, you want to talk about judgment? Try these passages out then:
"To do justice and judgment is more acceptable to the Lord than sacrifice." -Proverbs 2:13
"And why do you not judge for yourselves what is right?" -Luke 12:57
"Do not judge by appearances, but judge with right judgment" -John 7:24
"Take heed what ye do, for ye judge not for man, but for the Lord, who is with you in judgment."
"Do ye not know that the saints shall judge the world? And if the world shall be judged by you, are ye unworthy to judge the smallest matters?" -I Corinthians 6:2
God repeatedly asks us to exercise righteous judgment in accordance with his wisdom, not to overlook blatant errors in our behaviors.