In my view, it's about MUCH more than procreation.
Everything in God's creation manifests the principle of masculine and feminine (complimentary) opposites: Men and Women, male and female in animals, stamen and pistil in plants, protons + and electrons - in atoms, + & - particles.
This shows us that the very nature of the Creator, the Source, is one that is the harmonized source of + and -. (This is evidenced in the fact that men carry BOTh the x and the y chromosome. God the Father is the source of both the male nature and the female nature.) So, when the + and the - come together and interact according to their created purpose, they reflect the full nature of the Creator.
Man embodies certain aspects of God's nature - the masculine aspects of His nature & His character - while Woman is the embodiment of other aspects of God's nature - the feminine. And, God's nature is love. Conjugal love where God's masculine nature and feminine nature come into unity, through a man and woman blessed by God, is the origin of all love and life in the family.
The magnet that draws men to women and women to men is the magnet of God's love. That this magnet has been distorted in some is a matter for grief.
Without the love that draws a man to a woman and a woman to a man, no life can emerge from the family, and no true love can blossom without life. All homosexual humans have a mother and a father.
So, it's not JUST about procreation. It's also about God's purpose of creation - the full manifestation of True Love, being realized though the unity of men and women as the origin of all human life.
Love between a man and woman is where God's unified nature meets with, and fuses with, humanity and the created world. For this reason, true conjugal love is holy. The spiritual and physical union between a man and woman where God is at the center of the relationship, is the origin of the child that is created. When God's love is there at the point of conception, that child is conceived not only physically, but spiritually, fully in God's womb of love. Perfecting that love is the very purpose for which we are created.
That's my view.
My understanding of homosexuality is as follows:
The Fall of Man, of Adam and Eve, was initiated by an Angel, and angel whose nature is primarily masculine, in order that the angels could oversee and supervise the Creation, which exists in the responsive, feminine position to God.
The origins of homosexuality are in the angels that fell with Lucifer. All male, they could not engage in sexual activity except with each other. This is borne out by scripture: "And the angels who did not keep their positions of authority but abandoned their proper dwelling--these he has kept in darkness, bound with everlasting chains for judgment on the great Day. In a similar way, Sodom and Gomorrah and the surrounding towns gave themselves up to sexual immorality and perversion."
The angels that fell with Lucifer engaged in sexual perversion with each other. Homosexuality is the result of humanity being overshadowed and influenced by the fallen angelic realm. There is nothing Godly in it.
When love became decoupled from God, through the fall of Adam and Eve, satanic (aka fallen angel) influences caused all sorts of perversion. "Perversion" is for some a difficult and painful word. However, what it really means is deviation, distortion of the original purpose.
Men and women are created to seek out and find God's love in their reciprocal partner, to recreate and experience the transcendental unity of God's love through "the other".
The heart of one who loves God goes out to anyone suffering from the afflictions that result from the Fall of Man. Fornication, any sexual immorality, is the worst sin because it destroys and undermines our capacity to experience and reflect God's love thought sexual union between a God-centered man and a God-centered woman.
Sin means "missing the mark". If hatred has any place, it is for the sin, not the sinner. But sin is always, ever seeking, to justify itself, instead of recognizing and acknowledging it's deviating nature.
Sadly, the OP's position is every bit as limited and narrow as the views he/she appears to be railing against. With one fundamentalist (albeit atheistic) brush, the OP paints anyone and everyone who he disagrees with as (_______ insert derogatory nomination here _____).
There WILL be some whose viewpoint is, on some level, pathetic, ignorant and sad. But it appears patently obvious that the OP is among them. This topic could be broached and discussed in a way that is empowering, compassionate, and unifying. But it's not, because the attitude and intent of the OP preemptively short-circuits that potential.
Why Cats thought it was a good idea to sticky a post that at its very heart is divisive, slanderous, and accusatory is beyond me.
In my view, it's about MUCH more than procreation.
Everything in God's creation manifests the principle of masculine and feminine (complimentary) opposites: Men and Women, male and female in animals, stamen and pistil in plants, protons + and electrons - in atoms, + & - particles.
This shows us that the very nature of the Creator, the Source, is one that is the harmonized source of + and -. (This is evidenced in the fact that men carry BOTh the x and the y chromosome. God the Father is the source of both the male nature and the female nature.) So, when the + and the - come together and interact according to their created purpose, they reflect the full nature of the Creator.
Man embodies certain aspects of God's nature - the masculine aspects of His nature & His character - while Woman is the embodiment of other aspects of God's nature - the feminine. And, God's nature is love. Conjugal love where God's masculine nature and feminine nature come into unity, through a man and woman blessed by God, is the origin of all love and life in the family.
The magnet that draws men to women and women to men is the magnet of God's love. That this magnet has been distorted in some is a matter for grief.
Without the love that draws a man to a woman and a woman to a man, no life can emerge from the family, and no true love can blossom without life. All homosexual humans have a mother and a father.
So, it's not JUST about procreation. It's also about God's purpose of creation - the full manifestation of True Love, being realized though the unity of men and women as the origin of all human life.
Love between a man and woman is where God's unified nature meets with, and fuses with, humanity and the created world. For this reason, true conjugal love is holy. The spiritual and physical union between a man and woman where God is at the center of the relationship, is the origin of the child that is created. When God's love is there at the point of conception, that child is conceived not only physically, but spiritually, fully in God's womb of love. Perfecting that love is the very purpose for which we are created.
That's my view.
My understanding of homosexuality is as follows:
The Fall of Man, of Adam and Eve, was initiated by an Angel, and angel whose nature is primarily masculine, in order that the angels could oversee and supervise the Creation, which exists in the responsive, feminine position to God.
The origins of homosexuality are in the angels that fell with Lucifer. All male, they could not engage in sexual activity except with each other. This is borne out by scripture: "And the angels who did not keep their positions of authority but abandoned their proper dwelling--these he has kept in darkness, bound with everlasting chains for judgment on the great Day. In a similar way, Sodom and Gomorrah and the surrounding towns gave themselves up to sexual immorality and perversion."
The angels that fell with Lucifer engaged in sexual perversion with each other. Homosexuality is the result of humanity being overshadowed and influenced by the fallen angelic realm. There is nothing Godly in it.
When love became decoupled from God, through the fall of Adam and Eve, satanic (aka fallen angel) influences caused all sorts of perversion. "Perversion" is for some a difficult and painful word. However, what it really means is deviation, distortion of the original purpose.
Men and women are created to seek out and find God's love in their reciprocal partner, to recreate and experience the transcendental unity of God's love through "the other".
The heart of one who loves God goes out to anyone suffering from the afflictions that result from the Fall of Man. Fornication, any sexual immorality, is the worst sin because it destroys and undermines our capacity to experience and reflect God's love thought sexual union between a God-centered man and a God-centered woman.
Sin means "missing the mark". If hatred has any place, it is for the sin, not the sinner. But sin is always, ever seeking, to justify itself, instead of recognizing and acknowledging it's deviating nature.
Sadly, the OP's position is every bit as limited and narrow as the views he/she appears to be railing against. With one fundamentalist (albeit atheistic) brush, the OP paints anyone and everyone who he disagrees with as (_______ insert derogatory nomination here _____).
There WILL be some whose viewpoint is, on some level, pathetic, ignorant and sad. But it appears patently obvious that the OP is among them. This topic could be broached and discussed in a way that is empowering, compassionate, and unifying. But it's not, because the attitude and intent of the OP preemptively short-circuits that potential.
Why Cats thought it was a good idea to sticky a post that at its very heart is divisive, slanderous, and accusatory is beyond me.