Trump has now doubled down on the vaccine yet again in his latest response to Alex Jones. Despite everything, Trump still thinks the vaccine is safe. Here is how Trump could be right:
According to this article 100% of the deaths are coming from 5% of the batches. This suggests that if there is malice, someone is tainting an otherwise safe vaccine with bad batches.
Trump stands by the vaccine, and so by extension the White Hat Military does as well. The vaccine was originally meant to counter the Deep State's endless lockdowns and plunging the country into despair, which would be continuing today.
I think Trump's continued support might also have something to do with this:
Army COVID-19 vaccine may produce a side benefit: Cure for the common cold
We see that the military was involved in Covid-19 vaccine development. We were blessed with a technology that could eradicate the common cold and the flu. The flu and the common cold have killed countless millions to the point where it has been accepted as a common part of life. A cure would be a priceless blessing to humanity.
The Deep State could be trying to quash this White Hat Military technology and cease attempts to end the lockdowns by tainting the batches of the vaccines and encouraging alt-news to disparage it. The DS is perfectly capable of that. They are now trying to blame vaccine deaths on Trump.
After this fiasco, I'll never take a vaccine again. Even it is a white hat backed military produced "miracle".