Keep in mind that many people who may be visiting here are doing so out of curiosity and haven't fully committed to believing in Q just yet. Most of the frequent users don't believe it's a conspiracy theory.
Sorry to burst your bubble, but this is the normie Q hangout for recent converts and hopium refugees escaping the cuckold clutches of the doomer fag clans at The real scene is 8kun. Everything else is, at best, downstream of research done years ago over there.
Voat was a solid middle ground between the autists and the normies, but wasn't needed anymore after Q stopped posting the moment the steal was solidified. The time for research and decodes was over. This is strictly a catch-up operation here at GAW for all of those that weren't following Q prior to Jan 2021.
I had a never done any social media before and didn't even know what 4chan was but one day almost 6 years ago I was reading a comments on a FoxNews article. One of the comments said' íf you really want to know what's going on you need to follow Q!" And I'm thinking who's Q?? Sure wish I could hug the Patriot that redpilled me!
That was the start of my learning curve which after digging led me to 4chan. WOW! My innocent eyes! 😸 Then, 8chan, VOAT and I was really lost when we lost VOAT so I headed back to 8chan chan. What a life changing the beginning I just lurked and after 2 years I finally started commenting.
There are a lot here who came after TDW got blackpilled after J6 and stayed for the hopium. I don't think Q is a scam, but I don't have to understand every drop and weird time theory to support the goal of saving the world.
It doesn't make sense that a Q board with a huge Q on the banner is full of users who think Q is a conspiracy theory.
Keep in mind that many people who may be visiting here are doing so out of curiosity and haven't fully committed to believing in Q just yet. Most of the frequent users don't believe it's a conspiracy theory.
That's not been my experience here. Most users on this site seem to pretty well aware of what is happening with Q.
Sorry to burst your bubble, but this is the normie Q hangout for recent converts and hopium refugees escaping the cuckold clutches of the doomer fag clans at The real scene is 8kun. Everything else is, at best, downstream of research done years ago over there.
Voat was a solid middle ground between the autists and the normies, but wasn't needed anymore after Q stopped posting the moment the steal was solidified. The time for research and decodes was over. This is strictly a catch-up operation here at GAW for all of those that weren't following Q prior to Jan 2021.
I miss VOAT.
4chan --> 8chan --> (Voat) --> 8kun --> GAW/PDW
Oh and fuck reddit.
Voat was home away from home.
This was almost my exact journey fren!
I had a never done any social media before and didn't even know what 4chan was but one day almost 6 years ago I was reading a comments on a FoxNews article. One of the comments said' íf you really want to know what's going on you need to follow Q!" And I'm thinking who's Q?? Sure wish I could hug the Patriot that redpilled me!
That was the start of my learning curve which after digging led me to 4chan. WOW! My innocent eyes! 😸 Then, 8chan, VOAT and I was really lost when we lost VOAT so I headed back to 8chan chan. What a life changing the beginning I just lurked and after 2 years I finally started commenting.
Take care fren!
There are a lot here who came after TDW got blackpilled after J6 and stayed for the hopium. I don't think Q is a scam, but I don't have to understand every drop and weird time theory to support the goal of saving the world.
They're not users. They are lurking BlueAnons.