The end goal of Q isn't that people trust or support Q. There is no onus to "support" Q, or even trust Q (in fact, Q said sometimes they present disinformation so blindly trusting them for no other reason than dogma would be ridiculous).
In fact, the public face of the Q operation has probably ended. Yes, the military is still going to clean up, but whether or not anyone believes that happening is literally moot.
Case in point, the last Q posts were presented in a flakey and confusing fashion, probably not by Q, and not much effort has been made to rectify that by the Q team. Why? Because it doesn't matter.
Either military intelligence and Durham is going to put the smack down on the cabal, or they're not. Whether or not you believe they are has no bearing on anything.
The Q operation is about spreading information. That information can spread independent of whether someone believes in Q. Example, Q likely caused the "Epstein didn't kill himself" meme to spread like wildfire. Would it hurt, or help, if you demanded everyone who shared that meme to swear to pledge allegiance to Q?
Do I believe Q is real? Sure. Do I believe Trump is behind Q? Sure. Do I feel the need to scold MAGA patriots who support Trump but don't believe in Q? No. Why would I?
The end goal of Q isn't that people trust or support Q. There is no onus to "support" Q, or even trust Q (in fact, Q said sometimes they present disinformation so blindly trusting them for no other reason than dogma would be ridiculous).
In fact, the public face of the Q operation has probably ended. Yes, the military is still going to clean up, but whether or not anyone believes that happening is literally moot.
Case in point, the last Q posts were presented in a flakey and confusing fashion, probably not by Q, and not much effort has been made to rectify that by the Q team. Why? Because it doesn't matter.
Either military intelligence and Durham is going to put the smack down on the cabal, or they're not. Whether or not you believe they are has no bearing on anything.
The Q operation is about spreading information. That information can spread independent of whether someone believes in Q. Example, Q likely caused the "Epstein didn't kill himself" meme to spread like wildfire. Would it hurt, or help, if you demanded everyone who shared that meme to swear to pledge allegiance to Q?
Do I believe Q is real? Sure. Do I believe Trump is behind Q? Sure. Do I feel the need to scold MAGA patriots who support Trump but don't believe in Q? No. Why would I?