They also whine that in places such as Nye County, Nevada, voting machines have been replaced by hand-counted paper ballots for the upcoming midterms
Their system of cheating is being dismantled and they are FREAKING OUT! 😁
They also whine that in places such as Nye County, Nevada, voting machines have been replaced by hand-counted paper ballots for the upcoming midterms
Their system of cheating is being dismantled and they are FREAKING OUT! 😁
It was an Asian fusion restaurant and the folks working while I was there spoke limited English. I was at a table with my kid and the TV was above the sushi bar a ways away, plus we were the only ones there, so I wasn't bothered by it. CNN is like Comedy Central to me now. That said, we live in a red area and I'll bet one of the locals asked to change the channel the second they saw the logo. 😆