I hope Joe Biden tries talking tough, or whispering.
He cracks me up when he puts on his tough-guy face.
I'm still waiting to hear where Joe Biden got the authority to leverage $1B in Ukrainian loan guarantees, to get the Burisma prosecutor fired, and replaced with someone "solid", who subsequently dropped the case against Burisma.
edit: to add:
u/VaccinesCauseSIDS you made it! You're famous!
Not sure why you are getting downvoted. A republic is a form of democracy. Your statement is literally true. You weren’t responding to a statement about the differences between a republic and a pure democracy.
Also, I hate the mantra on here the we are a republic not a democracy, because it is lazily worded, factually incorrect and makes us look like idiots.
Article IV section 4 of the Constitution CLEARLY states what type of government we have. https://constitutionus.com/constitution/articles/article4/#:~:text=Article%204%2C%20Section%204%20The%20United%20States%20shall,the%20Legislature%20cannot%20be%20convened%29%20against%20domestic%20Violence.
Also, NO WHERE in the Constitution is democracy even mentioned.