👹⚖️🏛 Judge agrees Carter Page was railroaded by FBI… Then throws out the case… 👹⚖️🏛
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Here's the link to the one of the earliest orders. This links to a PDF.
Misc 19 02 Corrected Opinion and Order JEB 200305.pdf would also be good to read.
The others are where responses and requests for schedule relief are made by the FBI counsel.
The latest of these status updates was done in May 2022 and is supposedto occur quarterly I think. So we should be seeing a new link to the latest update soon.
Thank you for the direct links. I will look them over. Bottom line, the FBI and CIA are corrupt to the core and running roughshod over our Republic.
Just reread the first 7 pages of the first link and yep, I am pretty sure it is what you are seeking. If you are a truth seeker like me, you will find yourself reading the latest updates also from the link from my first comment.
Would like to point out that these are the original source documents, not a media article about them. That is supposed to mean something.
Thank you u/Q20191776 👈🏻
Original sauce is always better than media sauce.