This is an open discussion on anything relating to the Deltas for today.
I stopped posting these because I wasn't getting any community involvement in them. It was just me analyzing, and some days there's a ton of them with a lot of depth.
I'm starting it up again, but I'd really like our other frogs out there to provide some input when they can.
So please give us your comments and input! All is appreciated! 😊
So, assuming, what your saying is .. date fagging, by us, makes them use ammo early? In some cases, Maybe not all? I totally get the text number. Does this make them use the 2 day ahead?
Sure. If they aren't smart enough to analyze the clues like many of the autistic folks here, they may assume we are right. Combat Strategy.
Not sure what you mean by "2 day ahead" but the multitudes of variables keep everything blurry until something DOES happen and it all comes in to focus in hind sight.
Future proves past.