Written by whom? Sure, we can cherry-pick documents to "support" an opinion, but that doesn't necessarily make it the truth. We've lived now 80 years beyond an event that has been carefully controlled by book publishers, magazines/newspapers, Hollywood, and other media. Who largely owns these sources? You could dig up dozens of articles claiming that Anne Frank's Diary is the truth, but that was proven a fraud decades ago. See my point?
I have no interest in arguing...I'm just presenting some things that are supported by a historical record.
I could bury you with a thousand articles and citations, but I have a feeling you know that.
Written by whom? Sure, we can cherry-pick documents to "support" an opinion, but that doesn't necessarily make it the truth. We've lived now 80 years beyond an event that has been carefully controlled by book publishers, magazines/newspapers, Hollywood, and other media. Who largely owns these sources? You could dig up dozens of articles claiming that Anne Frank's Diary is the truth, but that was proven a fraud decades ago. See my point?
I have no interest in arguing...I'm just presenting some things that are supported by a historical record.