Had the poles done to our Anglo-Saxon brethren what they did to the Germans, we would have done far worse to them, proudly.
Hitler was a voice of moderation and mercy. He showed kindness when his people were being genocide. Listen to his words. Read his speeches.
We were lied to. All of it. Everything is upside down. To love one's people is the greatest evil? Who would say that? Only a globalist IE commie.
Death to all commies. No mercy. No forgiveness. They rape babies and sacrifice children. They are the enemy of all that is good. Death is too good for them.
Had the poles done to our Anglo-Saxon brethren what they did to the Germans, we would have done far worse to them, proudly.
Hitler was a voice of moderation and mercy. He showed kindness when his people were being genocide. Listen to his words. Read his speeches.
We were lied to. All of it. Everything is upside down. To love one's people is the greatest evil? Who would say that? Only a globalist IE commie.
Death to all commies. No mercy. No forgiveness. They rape babies and sacrifice children. They are the enemy of all that is good. Death is too good for them.
There’s still time in your life to repent. God loves you.