I respectfully ask you to look into the possibility that the apocalypse was the destruction of Jerusalem in AD 70. The Lord Yeshua took vengeance on apostate Israel back then and established his eternal kingdom. So many believers are awaiting an event that has already taken place. We are in his eternal kingdom now. Hallelujah!
It does kinda fly in the face of everything we've been taught, but scripture's interpretation of scripture is much more valid than that C.I. Scofield's or Hal Lindsey's interpretation of contemporary events.
Ezekiel prophesied about the destruction of Jerusalem, and so does Revelation.
Here's a list of 20 parallels to Ezekiel in Revelation:
The throne vision (Revelation 4/Ezekiel 1);
The Book (R5/E2-3);
The Plagues (R6:1-8/E5);
The slain under the altar (R6:9-11/E6);
The wrath of God (R6:12-17/E7);
The seal on the saints’ foreheads (R7/E9);
The coals from the altar (R8/E10);
No more delay (R10:1-7/E12);
Eating the book (R10:8-11;E2);
Measuring the temple (R11:1-2/E2);
Jerusalem and Sodom (R11:8/E16);
Cup of wrath (R14/E23);
The vine of the land (R14:18-20/E15);
The great harlot (R17-18/E16,23);
Lament over the city (R18/E27);
Scavenger’s feast (R19/E39);
The first resurrection (R20:4-6/E39);
The battle with Gog and Magog (R20:7-9/E38-39);
The new Jerusalem (R21/E40-48);
The river of life (R22/E47).
I didn't believe it at first either, but I'm thoroughly convinced now. God bless you!
This is very fascinating info because I lived there for a couple of years, and it's definitively an odd place that I was very happy to leave.
If you have a moment, please explain what you mean by The Parousia. Thank you!
The Parousia is the return of Jesus Christ, Son of Man.
Only together with Jesus Christ and The Truth will the Root be exposed, the Agenda revealed and the Mark of the Beast denied.
I respectfully ask you to look into the possibility that the apocalypse was the destruction of Jerusalem in AD 70. The Lord Yeshua took vengeance on apostate Israel back then and established his eternal kingdom. So many believers are awaiting an event that has already taken place. We are in his eternal kingdom now. Hallelujah!
Preterism is a fallacy.
It does kinda fly in the face of everything we've been taught, but scripture's interpretation of scripture is much more valid than that C.I. Scofield's or Hal Lindsey's interpretation of contemporary events.
Ezekiel prophesied about the destruction of Jerusalem, and so does Revelation.
Here's a list of 20 parallels to Ezekiel in Revelation:
The throne vision (Revelation 4/Ezekiel 1); The Book (R5/E2-3); The Plagues (R6:1-8/E5); The slain under the altar (R6:9-11/E6); The wrath of God (R6:12-17/E7); The seal on the saints’ foreheads (R7/E9); The coals from the altar (R8/E10); No more delay (R10:1-7/E12); Eating the book (R10:8-11;E2); Measuring the temple (R11:1-2/E2); Jerusalem and Sodom (R11:8/E16); Cup of wrath (R14/E23); The vine of the land (R14:18-20/E15); The great harlot (R17-18/E16,23); Lament over the city (R18/E27); Scavenger’s feast (R19/E39); The first resurrection (R20:4-6/E39); The battle with Gog and Magog (R20:7-9/E38-39); The new Jerusalem (R21/E40-48); The river of life (R22/E47).
I didn't believe it at first either, but I'm thoroughly convinced now. God bless you!
Check my reply here for detailed info backing up what he is saying:
There is also tons of additional info here: https://communities.win/c/GreatAwakening/p/15JTpFmPrh/x/c/4OdgcVKi2i0