Do you know a Based Church that Live Streams? Please share it with us! (One included in post starting at 9am Central)
✝️ Church Sticky Thread 🕊️
This is turning into the "Church Sticky Thread". I'll sticky it every Sunday.
Hey everyone! I just want to (kindly) remind everyone that although online steaming of church is great, it will never replace meeting in person. (Of course this does not apply to those that are sick or have mobility/transportation issues). If you stop meeting in person, you lose accountability and fellowship. Plus, worship is super important and also not the same online. Although convenient (yes it is super nice just to role out of bed (or not) and eat a nice breakfast during it), convenience produces complacency. I’ve noticed some members at my church say they’ll just catch service on line this week because they are too tired to come, or don’t feel like driving. Just be aware of that if that starts to become your way of thinking too. The enemy will always find those weak spots and infiltrate through them. Just wanted to mention this point too! God bless!
not understanding your "loss of accountability" statement...sincere question...
You are challenged, sharpened, nourished, kept accountable, blessed and more by other believers.
Basically, get some skin in the
It's too easy to live in your own head.
Love this. You said it much better than me haha
I get plenty of that speaking with others online while sharing my beliefs.
Praying you also have a source for fellowship, hugs, dinner, and laughter. May God bless you on your journey and the others you are blessing online and elsewhere. ❤
Yeah totally fair question. Jesus calls us to congregate together as the body. I believe and have seen first hand how important this is. Praying over one another (in person) is such a powerful experience. We see and hear first hand the problems and struggles others are facing. People physically breaking down and us being there to pray and help them back up has caused great healing. Also, my pastor is big on accountability. If there is something he preaches that we may not agree with (or have further questions) he wants us to ask questions and challenge him (after of course). It’s easier just to turn off a livestream and move on. We have meals together afterward (Christ calls us to eat together) and fellowship. We plan service opportunities (it’s easier to get people to sign up in person) and even have a crib where people bring baby supplies to help new mothers at a local birthing center. I could keep going, but these are just a few examples. So when I say accountability, I guess I mean it reinforces motivation and truth over sound doctrine. Live-streaming is great, all I am saying is don’t let that replace meeting with other members of Christ. Fellowship is so important. And if that is lacking in your area, maybe that is a call to start something. It can even be just a small group. We have a group that meets Friday nights as well for further fellowship and teaching. Also helps those they can’t make it on Sundays.
Thanks for expanding on your comments...i understand your point...i have belonged a certain christian denomination for 50 years, and it's great when you can get there in person, but i have had to relocate for work many of those years, and right now, am 120 miles from my church...however, in my opinion, i guess i have always considered my accountability to be between me and Jesus...not to say that i haven't shared my blessings, because i certainly have throughout my life in whatever community where i was located...most recently, i bought several hundreds of dollars of baby formula for locals, and had it distributed through a local church, because we are in a small/remote community and several young mothers couldn't find formula...not patting myself on my back, just as an example...other examples include anonymously paying people's rent if in a jam or medical situation, etc...again, not to brag, but just seems like this habit ran throughout my life, wherever i was located, as opportunities presented themselves where i could offer, for me, having online access is a huge gift...just my thoughts, and i think we true believers, will be true believers, regardless of circumstances...the message will get to the messengers, as i like to recall the story of candy canes...Jesus will find a way to share the faith...
That is wonderful! And yeah I totally get that. Online stuff is great for those circumstances. A personal relationship with Jesus is most important. The relationship with the body is just as important too. From my own personal experiences, I have been wrong and have justified things and it took a member to (kindly and constructively) bring it to my attention. I get this can be done online too, but more times than not the energy or intention gets misinterpreted and people get offended easier. Nothing can compare to a face to face conversation. I think Jesus speaks to us through the body as well. He uses us to relay messages and help others through the Spirit (again can be done online but there is just something more when done in person). I've had people relay messages to me that God placed on their hearts that have come to pass. I didn’t think my original comment came off saying not to participate in these things at all. I just see more and more people replacing it (when they don’t need to) out of convenience. I felt in my heart just to remind people of this when it is so easy and tempting to retreat into our comfort zones. It’s all a balance!
You're not meant to be a "solo" Christian. You need to be in fellowship.
Too easy to compromise, back slide if not in a congregation to hold you accountable to yourself.