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✝️ Church Sticky Thread 🕊️
This is turning into the "Church Sticky Thread". I'll sticky it every Sunday.
This may upset a few, but bare with me when I say predestination is a misunderstanding of Scripture. It assumes before you are born, you are predetermined or chosen the go to Heaven but it ignores the omnipresence and omniscience of God and the gift of free will. You see, God as the Creator stands outside of Creation and literally sees everything, and every time, all at once. You know the first verse of the Bible, "In the beginning God created the Heavens and Earth." Get that, in the beginning so before this happened, there was no such thing as time but then when He created the Heavens (space) and Earth (matter) it was literally the beginning of the space/time continuum. So by this, knowing that God sits outside of creation, thus He also sits outside of time itself. So He knew me before He set the foundations of the earth, because He can see my entire life all at the same time. He knows the decisions I'm making, even to the day I was saved. Point is, I made that decision on my own, God just knew that I was going to, just as He already knows everyone else that is going to join me as a Brother or Sister in Christ. But that's not predestination, that's just God being God and knowing all of His children and the decisions they will make in life.