Father, you were a damn good provider. Your work ethic is one I and many others pray to have. You were a good father, even in times I didn't acknowledge it. You put things aside whenever I was in need. Even in your old age and your poor health you pushed your body to the limit even when others offered to help. They don't raise them like they raised you in today's world, and I hope that changes soon.
You're in God's hands, and I pray one day soon I'll be financially free, so you'll never have to worry about me ever again.
I remember a story where there was some kid that told how he was killed in his other life. The parents investigated because the kid was very detailed in his recollection and sure enough a kid matching the name he said he used to be in the town he said had went missing years before. The kid fingered some old pervert and the pervert freaked out and admitted what he did when the kid was reciting what he did to him in the previous life. Crazy shit man.
Interesting... Sounds like the kid experienced memories that surfaced from his past life. My bet something happened to trigger those memories/ a smell, touched or something he seen.