I heard her tell a customer that they didn't pass out the bathroom key anymore because of the germs. "Germs, huh?" I say. She looks at me and sputters through her mask, "Monkey pox!! Someone in Harris County died yesterday from it!! Can you believe it?? Here we go again!!" I said, "Nah not even close. You need to read up on that and realize you're not in the demographic at risk for monkey pox". Hindsight is 20/20 and I wish I'd told her that she was wearing the mask on the wrong hole to protect her from the pox.
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It is just sad how they create fear to abuse people like this. Freaking Monkey Pox. My son took two covid jabs. Because I am in my 60s he thought I was crazy for not getting the jabs. Now he is saying that the jabs were really never needed. He will not get anymore covid Jabs. He is concerned that Monkey Pox could be really bad so it is a good idea to get that shot. My response
To think of how much it cost My wife and I to send him to school to become an electrical engineer. (no loans) He may have a good job now but He didn't get a good education.