Spot-on. My wife and I left a mainline denominational church about five years ago for their emerging wokeness...which has since turned from emerging to rabid. This very denomination is, in fact, in the midst of a bitter and acrimonious split as I write this. We may return to the more conservative branch that emerges from this split...but living in our current very blue area, we are content to stay in our "church hole" until we move south to a more conservative climate, and rely on the Biblical truths and training that we grew up with...and God's Holy Word itself.
Try a nondenominational church called Calvary Chapel. They teach the Bible chapter by chapter, and verse by verse. They don’t leave anything out, and teach the uncomfortable parts. As with any church, it Hass to be something that you feel comfortable that. I pray the Lord will guide you to a location where you’re pleased. If you live in Washington, there’s a great Calvary Chapel in that area.
We were in a cobalt blue area and the church we went to turned very conformist over Covid. Our daughter lives in a southern purple area and we started watching her church online since went to it's Sunday morning gathering when we were in town. It was a temporary solution.
We've moved to a southern ruby red area and go to a bible based church now. It's grandma church (choir and a piano - no band) but it's all good.
I'm so happy for y'all! We are plotting a very similar move south to a ruby red area within the next 1-2 years...and I CANNOT WAIT to find a grandma church. 🙂
God created the the light, the oceans, the land, the plants, animals, and the people, with His Word. So then isn't the Word of God, all of Creation? The Bible was written by a bunch of humans, including corrupt and greedy kings of old, who edited the Bible for their own benefit. So, it would seem, the Bible is the word of kings, and Creation is the Word of God, our Creator. Or am I missing something?
Even God can draw a straight line with a crooked stick.
We also have the prophetic message as something completely reliable, and you will do well to pay attention to it, as to a light shining in a dark place, until the day dawns and the morning star rises in your hearts. Above all, you must understand that no prophecy of Scripture came about by the prophet’s own interpretation of things. For prophecy never had its origin in the human will, but prophets, though human, spoke from God as they were carried along by the Holy Spirit.
I recently found and read a book called Talmund of Jmmanuel. Said to be the accurate words and actions of Jesus. It says the laws of god are above men, but the laws of creation are above god.
I highly recommend it for those willing to open their mind.
Said to be accurate by whom? I'll trust the disciples that paid with their blood to uphold the scriptures we already have. I'll trust in the most translated, most published, and most studied, book in the history of the world...despite it being the most disobeyed, the most banned, the most criticized book too.
My apologies, I should have been more precise. Judas Ishkerioth, the actual name of the disciple of Jmmanuel. Or "Jesus Christ"
I can see that people get triggered with this topic. I'm not here to discredit the teachings of Jesus. Only to expand the thinking on this topic for myself, and others, willing.
We know we are lied to about medicine, disease, history, an everything under the sun, but the bible some how has become untouchable to the evil for the past 2000+ years?
There have been thousands of ancient manuscripts found all over the place, which agree with the current Bible almost character by character in the original languages.
To corrupt all of them, and all the ones yet to be found, some super powerful and super smart people would have had to find all those manuscripts first, make undetectable modifications, and then replace them so that no one could tell they'd been retrieved before.
And the New Testament was written by people who actually new Jesus. They died rather than recant what they had seen and heard.
There is extremely strong evidence that everything in the Bible, cover to cover, is true. I have only found one minor error in a man's age in one of the books of Chronicles that has been repeated without change from the original Hebrew. Yes, I have read the entire Bible cover to cover, even proofreading it. One of my copies has a single letter wrong, and I stuck a PostIt note on that page.
Do you know how the Bible was copied thousands of years ago? It was a tedious process that involved looking at a character in the original, saying it aloud, looking at the place for that character on the copy, then perhaps going back to the original yet again, saying it aloud, returning to the copy, carefully stroke by stroke copying the character from the original, then say it aloud, compare it with the original, say it aloud, etc., etc. So errors of even a single character were extremely rare. Much rarer than typos in modern books.
We know we are lied to about medicine, disease, history, an everything under the sun, but the bible some how has become untouchable to the evil for the past 2000+ years?
Correct. God makes zero claims to protect medicine, disease, history, etc., but He does promise to protect His word, and indeed He has, against all sorts of attacks throughout history.
Also, it's only logical that if God would use a definitive set of scriptures to guide mankind in His truth. Otherwise, how can anyone truly trust God? There have been all kinds of false gospels "discovered": gospel of Thomas, of Mary, of Jesus...blah blah blah. If God wants us to have the truth, He will protect the truth. Muslims say the previous scriptures are corrupted, believe in the Quran. Mormons say previous scriptures are corrupt, believe in the Book of Mormon. Next week some other yahoo will come along and say the other scriptures are corrupt, so trust their book, and on and never ends. I am closed-minded to that kind of revelation.
The Bible is virtually written in the blood of the martyrs. Powerful men have been trying to eradicate it for years, while others have been pleased just to contravene its commands. You think the ancient Cabal likes what's written in the canonical scriptures?
...absolute ironclad truth....
,,.I am not a "christian"...
...I am a follower of The Way....
What is the point of this post? It has nothing to do with the meme. I understand what you’re saying, but to me, this is just a scam post.
I stand with you!
Bless you, see the message I sent you.
...where we howl 1, we howl all....
Whoooo hooooo
...doggy winks...
Jesus would be sick if he saw all the prosperity doctrine pastors flying private jets.
Spot-on. My wife and I left a mainline denominational church about five years ago for their emerging wokeness...which has since turned from emerging to rabid. This very denomination is, in fact, in the midst of a bitter and acrimonious split as I write this. We may return to the more conservative branch that emerges from this split...but living in our current very blue area, we are content to stay in our "church hole" until we move south to a more conservative climate, and rely on the Biblical truths and training that we grew up with...and God's Holy Word itself.
Try a nondenominational church called Calvary Chapel. They teach the Bible chapter by chapter, and verse by verse. They don’t leave anything out, and teach the uncomfortable parts. As with any church, it Hass to be something that you feel comfortable that. I pray the Lord will guide you to a location where you’re pleased. If you live in Washington, there’s a great Calvary Chapel in that area.
Thank you for the rec...and God bless you and yours, friend.
We were in a cobalt blue area and the church we went to turned very conformist over Covid. Our daughter lives in a southern purple area and we started watching her church online since went to it's Sunday morning gathering when we were in town. It was a temporary solution.
We've moved to a southern ruby red area and go to a bible based church now. It's grandma church (choir and a piano - no band) but it's all good.
I'm so happy for y'all! We are plotting a very similar move south to a ruby red area within the next 1-2 years...and I CANNOT WAIT to find a grandma church. 🙂
You mean I can't go to heaven by donating money for my preacher's new jet?
Spot on!
God created the the light, the oceans, the land, the plants, animals, and the people, with His Word. So then isn't the Word of God, all of Creation? The Bible was written by a bunch of humans, including corrupt and greedy kings of old, who edited the Bible for their own benefit. So, it would seem, the Bible is the word of kings, and Creation is the Word of God, our Creator. Or am I missing something?
So can God not keep something perfect even though men are sinful and corrupt. Gods will is perfect. He gave us the bible
The Word is Jesus Christ.
Even God can draw a straight line with a crooked stick.
1 Peter 1:19-21
I recently found and read a book called Talmund of Jmmanuel. Said to be the accurate words and actions of Jesus. It says the laws of god are above men, but the laws of creation are above god. I highly recommend it for those willing to open their mind.
Said to be accurate by whom? I'll trust the disciples that paid with their blood to uphold the scriptures we already have. I'll trust in the most translated, most published, and most studied, book in the history of the world...despite it being the most disobeyed, the most banned, the most criticized book too.
My apologies, I should have been more precise. Judas Ishkerioth, the actual name of the disciple of Jmmanuel. Or "Jesus Christ"
I can see that people get triggered with this topic. I'm not here to discredit the teachings of Jesus. Only to expand the thinking on this topic for myself, and others, willing.
We know we are lied to about medicine, disease, history, an everything under the sun, but the bible some how has become untouchable to the evil for the past 2000+ years?
There have been thousands of ancient manuscripts found all over the place, which agree with the current Bible almost character by character in the original languages.
To corrupt all of them, and all the ones yet to be found, some super powerful and super smart people would have had to find all those manuscripts first, make undetectable modifications, and then replace them so that no one could tell they'd been retrieved before.
And the New Testament was written by people who actually new Jesus. They died rather than recant what they had seen and heard.
There is extremely strong evidence that everything in the Bible, cover to cover, is true. I have only found one minor error in a man's age in one of the books of Chronicles that has been repeated without change from the original Hebrew. Yes, I have read the entire Bible cover to cover, even proofreading it. One of my copies has a single letter wrong, and I stuck a PostIt note on that page.
Do you know how the Bible was copied thousands of years ago? It was a tedious process that involved looking at a character in the original, saying it aloud, looking at the place for that character on the copy, then perhaps going back to the original yet again, saying it aloud, returning to the copy, carefully stroke by stroke copying the character from the original, then say it aloud, compare it with the original, say it aloud, etc., etc. So errors of even a single character were extremely rare. Much rarer than typos in modern books.
Correct. God makes zero claims to protect medicine, disease, history, etc., but He does promise to protect His word, and indeed He has, against all sorts of attacks throughout history.
Also, it's only logical that if God would use a definitive set of scriptures to guide mankind in His truth. Otherwise, how can anyone truly trust God? There have been all kinds of false gospels "discovered": gospel of Thomas, of Mary, of Jesus...blah blah blah. If God wants us to have the truth, He will protect the truth. Muslims say the previous scriptures are corrupted, believe in the Quran. Mormons say previous scriptures are corrupt, believe in the Book of Mormon. Next week some other yahoo will come along and say the other scriptures are corrupt, so trust their book, and on and never ends. I am closed-minded to that kind of revelation.
The Bible is virtually written in the blood of the martyrs. Powerful men have been trying to eradicate it for years, while others have been pleased just to contravene its commands. You think the ancient Cabal likes what's written in the canonical scriptures?
I highly recommend "The Gospel According to Biff" by Christopher Moore🐸
Thank you fren, I will check it out 🙏
Ahh it would likely be offensive to most, but I thought it was damn clever... especially if you have a solid knowledge of the Bible & such