As we see the world Awakening actually and FINALLY occurring, the 40,000 foot view is truly pointing to the WEF and their ilk. The infiltration becomes obvious once you know what to look for. Can you imagine anything easier than just going after them? They're all public. Think about it. Has any group in history ever tried to take over the world and been less interested in covering their tracks? There's zero chance any of them will be forgotten. They've all been tracked, just like us. Its gonna be a simple matter to prove with the surveillance. Just seems like their arrogance and bravado (PRIDE) will facilitate their fall. I make sure to tell EVERYONE about the WEF and "you'll be happy" and eat crickets. The normies can't even...lmao.
Sidenote...personally, i can't wait for all their communications to be public. I'm sure they hid nothing in private because they think they own and control all the info...
"The head of the british state (Churchill), forced a king to abdicate in order to hide their affiliation with Nazi Germany and Hitler. It's the entire royal family that is implicated in this and not just Edward VIII. Churchil hushed things up by forcing Edward VIII to abdicate and they invinted this little "love" story between the king and Wallis as a cover. Doesn't that sound familiar? And that same Nazi lover ex-king came all the way from England to the States, where he was buddies at least with Nixon. I bet he was buddies with loads of other US politicians and businessmen from both parties. And this Nazi lover ex-king had close ties to the Vanderbilt and Morgan families. Both are bloodline families, whom had close ties to the heirs of French monarchy, the Bourbons. So did Edward VIII leave the UK to come join his distant "cousin" Payseur, heir to Louis XVI? Cousins? Because both are descendants of the Merovingian Bloodline, which has symbols as the arch, the fleurs de Lys, the infinity sign, the Nazi cross as well as the black dragon."
Very interesting! Bookmarked your reply. Thanks.