Trump and those close to him continue to insinuate and posture as if Trump will be returning before 2024....
🧠 Clandestine🕳️
I did an in-depth break down on this a week ago. I cover the tactical, optical, and psychological advantages to having a “redo election”, and Trump continues to hint at it.
Many want an immediate reversal of 2020, but the most effective path would be a redo election. The normies have to see that Trump supporters are the overwhelming majority....
- Clandestine
I feel a lot more people would vote for Trump 2020 if redone, making it even more glaringly obvious this country is sick and tired of radicalism...which would then probably cause the media to go into meltdown mode and claim it wasn't a fairly redone election. The establishment media needs to be dissolved for the betterment of our nation because while they're at the helm, their one job is to cause division and hatred.